Chapter Sixty Two

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'Mitchell what's wrong? Last time I saw you with that look in your eyes was when daddy died. What's happened? Has something happened to Maddee? Mum hurt?' Tears started falling from his face 'yes something has happened to Maddee' I growled 'what? What happened?' Mitchell took a deep breath opened his mouth.......

Mitchell took a deep breath, opened his mouth 'M....Maddee's carrying my pup' Mitchell's eyes looked sad 'are... are you sure? The heats started....' Mitchell growled 'yes I'm sure. I can smell it. Mads doesn't even know yet' I got closer to my twin 'are you okay about it?' He shook his head 'no I'm not. I'm seventeen Nora, I'm not ready to be a parent. And I have Alpha blood in me and what happens if the pup is a female?' I put my arms around his shoulder 'Mitch that's not going to affect Maddee. Look at Rachel she's got our future Alpha who happens to be a female and Rach was okay. Mean the first half of her pregnancy she was violently sick but she was fine for child birth. If Maddee has a female she'll be violently sick through the first trimester of her pregnancy'

I started to think to myself what happens if I have a female? I'm the Alphas daughter and my mate is an Alpha.... I looked into my brothers sad blue eyes 'Should I tell Maddee?' I slapped Mitchell on the shoulder 'yes you should! You'd be crazy not to tell her now. Or you can wait till she notices that's she's pregnant. But yes you should tell her' I held my twin close to me. Holding him like we always used to when we shared a room and when we were in our mothers womb. The last time we did this was when dad died and we held each other. We grieved together. Cried together. Slept in the same bed hold each other crying. 'Come let's go back home. I'm sure Alpha Luke is waiting for you. If I found out that he's gotten you pregnant....' I growled at Mitch 'you don't have to worry about that. I'm taken precautions that Luke doesn't know about'

Mitch looked at me and raised an eyebrow 'since when have you been taking precautions? Actually I don't want to know' I laughed 'the healers have given some of us some precautions' Mitchell's eyes changed from his normal blue eyes to a darker angry blue and growled 'did Maddee get any of those precautions?' I looked at my toes 'no. The healer didn't agree with Maddee having precautions something a long the lines of one of her family members never had precautions during their heat and that she won't give it her' Mitchell's eyes turned black, his canines extended with a growl he walked into the house angry his wolf at the surface. I followed him into the house 'Where's the healer?'

'Mitch what's the matter? Why do you want a healer? Is everything okay?' Mitchell growled at our mother 'no. Everything is not okay. The healer apparently handed out some precautions and didn't give them to my mate' Mitchell's wolf was very close to the surface 'Mitch what's going on? What precautions?' Sean walked in with Luke 'the packs healer handed out this precautions that every female wolf had gotten when we went into our heat and she didn't give it to Maddee' Sean growled 'so your saying the healer handed out precautions but not to Madds?' I nodded 'yes' how many times do I have to repeat myself

'Where is she?' Mitchells wolf had already taken over 'if she's not in front of me in two minutes I'm going to go found and hunt her down' I looked up at the stairs and Maddee was walking down the stairs laughing with Demi 'oh morning everyone' Maddee looked at her mate 'Mitchell what's wrong?' Her hand went into his back and started to rub his back to calm him down 'when the healer came to give you females precautions did you she give you any? Or did you not take them? Because now your carrying my pup' Maddee dropped her hand from his back and her mouth dropped open 'she didn't give them to me... no she won't give them to me something about how I shouldn't have the precautions because my family never had them during their first heat' Mitchell growled 'and you couldn't have told about this?' Mitchell was inches away from shifting to fur 'why don't we all leave these to alone to talk about this' Mitchell looked quickly at my mother and the look stopped her in her tracks 'I've been trying to tell you but you won't listen. I told you that I wanted to be sedated they only way to project myself and when our heat come around next few months I would be able to give you an offspring when we talked about it probably. But now I'm carrying your pup' Maddee looked Mitchell up and down gave him a growl and walked back up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door shut

'Good job Mitchell. Take your anger out on your mate. Go found the healer' Mitchell walked out the door and shifted to fur letting his anger out on searching for the healer. I called Luke over to me 'Luke go with him so he doesn't hurt himself' Luke took a sniff of me 'stop sniffing me like that. I'm not carrying you pup. Relax' Luke growled softly kissed me hard on the mouth and turned away taking his shirt off and shifted to his wolf going after my twin brother

Mitchell's POV

I heard large paws pounding the earth and I turned around to see Alpha Luke. Great what's does he want? 'What do you want Alpha?' I growled out 'to help you found the healer' Luke out his snout to the ground to found her scent 'she's been here. Her scent is fresh' I growled and put my snout to the ground and followed the healers scent to her little hut. I shifted back to skin and walked into the healers hut 'oh Mitchell what a pleasant surprise' Luke's wolf stood next to me and growled 'Alpha Luke nice to see you again' Luke snarled lip drawn back to show his sharp teeth 'why didn't you give my mate and precautions?' The healer laughed 'she didn't need them. It's in her family that they don't have precautions...' I growled. Luke shifted to skin and took two steps towards her and had her up against the wall by her throat 'I don't care if her family don't need precautions. She's not with her family she's with Mitchell and in his pack she see needs the precautions' Luke's canines had extended 'Alpha...' she gasped 'if a female comes up to and asks for precautions you will give it to that female whether or not her family doesn't use them' I stepped closer my canines extending splitting my lower lip. I could see the hold that Luke had on her she was losing oxygen 'if you were in my pack I would kill you but since your not I'm going to let Sean take care of you' Luke's nail extracted from her neck and he let her drop to the floor like a rag doll gasping for air 'your weak Alpha Luke. You wouldn't do a thing to me'

The healer stood up looking Luke in his eyes 'your nothing like your father. Your father was strong if a wolf looked at him the wrong way he'd kill them. You are nothing like that. Instead you are weak like he was when he went to hunt with your mates father and got his best friend killed and for himself capture because he was weak. And he's probably dead just like the Alpha. You better watch your back Alpha Luke what you do Alpha I know a poison that can....' he growled and snapped her neck like it was a twig. Luke growled 'Alpha' he's head looked at me then at the healer at his feet her eyes clouding over 'I'm not weak!' Luke looked at me and I bowed his head in a show of respect for this Alpha that just showed his true Alpha side 'you just killed our healer' he growled 'you can find another healer 'I don't care. She pissed me off and threatened me. I'm sure you can find another healer' with that Luke walked out and shifted and I followed him without looking back at the healer her laying their eyes clouded over and her scent of the earth and the soil was slowly going. I turned my head and shifted to fur and ran to catch up with Luke the Alpha that he was born to be. The Alpha in his prime

Hi!! Here is the next chapter. I've had a few writers block at the start of this chapter. Enjoy 😊

Tayla ➰

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