Chapter Thirty Six

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Nora's POV

'Nora honey please come back home' Rachel said through the mind link 'baby girl come on home please' I sighed and cut of the mind link that mum got into 'Nora it's me Mitchell I'm coming to see you I don't need to know where you are I already know' and with that Mitchell cut off the mind link

When Sean slapped me I ran out and ran here to my tree thank god I wasn't wearing my shoes it would've been hard to climb with heels 'Nora I'm coming up' there was enough space for myself and Mitchell on the tree platform that my father made for me when I was little 'wow I haven't been up here since we were what? Fifteen?' I nodded 'what's wrong Nora?' I took one look at Mitchell and cried and cried Mitch held me close 'its ok... It's ok I'm here'

Ten minutes later I stopped crying 'can you tell me what happened?' I nodded and moved my hands from around my legs 'Sean slapped me because I got a belly piercing' I kneeled on my knees to show Mitch 'Nor Sean's just sensitive he doesn't want his little sister hurt' I sat back down and hugged my knees 'doesn't want me hurt? He slapped me, my own fucking brother slapped me' I growled out

'I know... I'm sure he's sorry about it' Mitch hugged me tighter 'do you remember when dad build this for you?' I laughed 'oh my god yes mum hated me being up here without steps and I was five at the time so mum made dad build stairs for me to climb' we laughed at the memory 'and than dad took them down when you got older because you learned to climb trees at school' we smiled at each other 'I miss him Mitch I really do I wish he was here'

Mitchell laughed 'Nor you do know that dad would've been mad at you for getting your belly done right?' I nodded my head when a cold breeze come through and I shivered 'here take my jacket' Mitch took off his jacket and gave it to me 'is this dads?' Mitch nodded 'dad gave it to me for our birthday I wear this ALL the time mum washes it because I wear everyday well try to at least' I looked confused 'I.... I don't understand'

Mitchell laughed 'well Maddee and I are mates and......' I stopped him 'alright I didn't need to know' Mitchell looked at me 'don't worry me and Maddee haven't had sex yet. And besides I walked in on you giving Luke a blow job and I can't get that out of my head and same with walking in and seeing Sean and Rachel..... Yeah let's not go there' we laughed 'Mitch? Do you approve of me and Luke?' Mitchell hugged me tighter 'of course I do I've known all along that he's had a thing for you and you had a thing for him, I don't think you can do any better he's perfect and he's MUCH better than Dan that's for sure' Mitchell growled

'I love you Mitchell' Mitchell smiled 'I love you too sis' and we sat there for hours till the night sky was dark 'come on we have to get back mums got dinner for us it's getting late AND your almost turning blue' Mitchell got up and jumped from the tree and landed perfectly 'Mitch you better catch me' Mitchell barked a laugh 'what are you? Five?' I nodded my head 'yes' I said in little kids voice and jumped and landed in Mitchell's arms. We walked back home talking about what we miss the most about being little

Carla's POV

'You did what? You slapped my daughter? How could you Sean she's your only sister' I growled out at him 'mum she got a piercing and I don't like it' I rolled my eyes 'I got the piercing in the same spot Nora has when I was her age for the same reason she's doing it to rebel against her Alpha more like giving him a lesson and that Alpha was your father, my goodness Rachel got one when she was fifteen' Sean growled 'you did? Why didn't you tell me?' Rachel laughed 'your mum was there with me when I done it and if I told you than you would've ripped it out right? Or would've rejected me?' Sean growled 'I could never hurt you or could never reject you but she's my sister and.....'

Rachel and myself growled to cut him off 'so that gives you the right to hurt my daughter and your only sister? Sean you need to pull your head in you have a child on the way you can't act like this and what would've your father thought about you slapping his daughter?' Sean whimpered at the thought 'Carla we have trouble' Demi and Maddee walked into the kitchen 'why what's wrong?' I asked 'D and I went for a run and we saw a couple of Rogues running they were 10009km way from the border line of this house and the pack house is 1 minute from here' Rogues? 'What are they doing down this end? Do you know them?' Demi nodded 'yes I do... They belonged to Daniel.... Well did belong to him and they are most likely looking for a closet pack to join for revenge but the thing we don't get is why were they running away?'

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