Chapter Sixty Three

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Luke's POV

Walking back into the pack house I run up the stairs to Nora's room in wolf form and pawed her door. When she didn't answer I pawed the door again and started whimpering 'I'm coming' I growled at the door my wolf not really happy with the choice of words. Nora opened her door and saw me 'Luke what are you doing out there. Come in' as soon as my front paws were inside her bedroom I shifted back to skin and went to put on a boxers 'so how did it go with our healer' I took a step towards Nora growling eyes looking at my mate up and down 'the healer is no more. This pack has another healer they can use her. You and I are leaving for my pack soon as Christmas is over. Actually no we are leaving tomorrow night' her blue eyes looked at me sad and confused 'I don't understand. You want to leave on Christmas night? Luke we can't it's going to be the last Christmas I...' I growled to cut her off 'I don't care. This is what is happening and that's all there is to it. Start packing' I kissed Nora on the head and walked back out to see Sean

I walked past Mitchell's room and could hear him talking to Maddee. I must speak to Maddees sister she's with her mate in my pack and I hear she could be expecting a pup. I must ask her if she ever got any precautions from this packs healer. I got to the door of Sean's office and walked in without knocking 'Sean I'm taking Nora to my pack tomorrow night' Sean looked up at me 'what do you mean your taking her?' I leaned against the door frame 'you know exactly what I mean when I say that. She declared to me that she is my Luna and I'm taking her back to my pack. Her pack that'll she be the Luna too' Sean walked over to me 'you know the customs are different to your pack Luke' I growled 'yes I'm fully aware of that and as I said she's declared herself to me and now it's time for her to come back with me' Sean grabbed my shoulder not in a friendly way but in a way that would be painful to an omega or someone lower 'you hurt my sister I'll hurt you and I don't care if your my best friend or my sisters mate' his claws had come out and were digging into my bare shoulder 'I wouldn't want to hurt her but you know the way of my pack and if she disobeys me I'll have no choice. You of all people should know that'

Sean eyes changed for a second and went back to his natural colour 'now if you don't mind retract your claws from my shoulder' Sean retracted his claws from my shoulder 'I'm taking her back to my pack. Don't worry she won't be a prisoner in my pack. She'll be able to do all the things she did in this pack' I growled and walked out of the office and back to Nora. Once I entered her room there was the bags that she packed for the cottage was packed 'this all your taking?' I growled out 'yes' Nora walked out of the bathroom her eyes a frost blue 'you know the customs Luke I should be leaving after my first heat has ended not before'

I looked into her frost blue eyes that showed her anger 'I understand that but I'm no longer the Alpha male I used to be. I'm going to be the Alpha male my father was and trained me to be' her eyes changed to her normal blue then to more of a darker blue 'you want your pack to go back to the way it was?' I nodded 'with a few minor changes' Nora went to her wardrobe 'and what possible changes could there be?' I watched Nora throwing her clothes into the bed 'so your taking all of your things?' Nora snarled at me 'answer the question Alpha'

'Fine. The possible changes are that every wolf whether they are male or female or have been injured in the past will be training and if they don't turn up to training they all better have a good excuse....' Nora started packing her other bag and raised an eyebrow 'if they don't give an excuse I WILL reinforce the Old Ways again. And if someone disobeys either myself or my mate the Old Ways will also happen' Nora head snapped up 'what are you crazy? You really think that I'm going to be tolerating that? And what's a good excuse Luke?'

I growled 'females going into their heat is an excuse and is understandable and of course if they are pregnant' I was starting to lose my patience with my mate 'so that's the good excuses? That they have to be in heat or pregnant to not train? Are you fucking kidding me Luke?' I balled my fists up 'Nora I wish I can say I'm going to give you special treatment in the training by not giving you any training but in all honesty I'm not going to. You'll train like the others in the pack but you'll also be training with me and the higher ranked pack members' Nora's face seemed to relax a little 'I'm not asking to get trained in fact I'm looking forward to actually training because one you're training me and two I'm being trained by higher members of the pack and their Alpha. However I'm still mad at you, you want to go back to The Old Ways Luke those ways haven't been in your pack for years and your now bringing it in?' I unballed my fists and took her by the shoulders 'it's already been reinforced... my beta and Hannah have already started to reinforce it already' I leaned in to kiss Nora but she moved away 'what so if someone crosses some line you'll put them to the whipping post and torture them?'

I raised my eyebrow 'well it depends on what they did and what punishment they deserve' I walked towards Nora 'would you torture me?' I pinned Nora up against the wall and kissed her Mark 'yes' I felt Nora stiffen 'let me show you how' I grabbed Nora and laid her down on the bed 'sex? That's your torture?' I laughed and took off her clothes till she was wearing nothing 'I'll show you what I would do if you crossed any line my little mate and you won't be liking it at all' I kissed down her stomach to her groin 'and what happens if the line that I crossed was bad? Like really bad' I ignored her and kissed Nora's clįt and slipped my finger inside her. Moving my finger in and out I added another finger and kissed up her stomach and to her breasts 'you feel good' Nora started moving her hips against my hand. I put my mouth on her nipple and pulled it with my teeth earning a moan from her

'Luke fuck me please' I went to her neck and kissed her Mark 'please I'm close' my movement of my fingers got faster till I could feel Nora coming closer to her orgasm 'Luke I'm going to come' I chuckled and pulled my fingers out of her with Nora letting out a whimper. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom 'Luke... come back here' I walked back out of the bathroom and leaned up against the door 'yes?' Nora got out of the bed walked towards me and started to undo my jeans 'oh no my little mate not going to happen' I grabbed her hands and pinned them behind her back 'why Luke I'm horńy now... fuck me please or at least touch me' I laughed and walked away from her 'no. You wanted to know what I would do to you if you crossed some sort of line and I showed you'

I picked up some of her bags and walked to the door 'I'm taking these to the car and I want you to be dressed and meeting me in the living room in two minutes' I walked out the door 'oh and uh no touching yourself either this is your punishment. I'll know if you've touched yourself and the punishment for that is even worse' and with that I walked down the stairs and to the my car to dump all the bags into the boot of the car

Walking into the living room  I couldn't see Nora. Looking at my watch it was two minutes after I left her in her room needy and close to her orgasm I smiled to myself in the way I had left her and walked up the stairs and walked into her room and could hear the water from the shower going. I put my ear to the door and was expecting to hear moans from her mouth which I did. I shook my head and went to her bed and saw in one of bags that she has a bright pink toy. What the hell is that? That's not what I think it is? I picked it up out of her bag and it was what I thought it was. It was a fúcking vibrating dildo. You've got to be kidding me? She's had this the whole time and never used it even when I've actually left her without having an orgasm she didn't even use it? A thought come into my head of a way to punish her for giving herself of an orgasm when I purposely didn't

I heard the water stop and I put the thing back into her bag. Nora walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her body and one in her hair 'oh hi Luke' her eyes went to her feet and she blushed hard 'I.. I was just taking a shower' I growled 'oh I know you were my little mate and what did I tell you about not touching yourself?' Nora's shoulders sagged 'not too but I didn't really think you would do that.. mean you've left me like that before and never told me too so I thought this was...' I growled and walked over to her 'oh I really meant it this time... I'll let this past for tonight and I'm serious about this punishment Nora... this is the only kind of punishment I will give you and want to give you but as much as I hate to say it if it comes down to you doing something that's to great for this punishment I'll have to resort to the Old Ways punishment. Now seriously get dressed and met me downstairs' I walked towards the door growling 'Luke what about you? Mean won't you be needing some release when your giving me these punishments?' I laughed 'Nora you may be my mate and you may get me hard but things like this I can do without it. It's called self control and I have come to master it while we were away... because of you know' I whimpered at the thought of that night and walked out he door before Nora could answer

Well here it is the next chapter!!

I know it's been a long time since I updated last but I think this chapter is worth it.. It's good but not great so I hope you guys enjoy

Tayla ➰

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