Scott's pack sucks.

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This up there 👆🏻, is our pack sign. Examine it carefully. Look at every detail. Behind it are the 3 packs signs of all the packs that are known:
1)hales pack
2)Scott's back
3) the alpha pack
Now those packs probably sound weak. And our pack sign looks sick. So don't bother looking at the others.

Now I forgot to mention one special girl, actually two but this one is special; jood queen. Her name is stupid I wouldn't disagree.But guess what, I wouldn't call this a fairy tale but no matter how cliche this sounds she's a hell hound. She's a very talented hell hound. If you watched teen wolf, you would understand that hell hounds are hard to kill and they are the protectors of the supernatural.

She sucks.

She's also part of my pack.

Whose pack you would be asking.

Gariam mayson.

Now how I developed is a long story. Let's just say I was bit. I didn't think it's major, and the moon didn't do much to me so I barely turned, but my strength has developed and I felt changes happening to my body, next she knows her eyes glow red and the full moon kills her.

Now, my beta. Shianna maleh. She's weak. But she's my stiles. If you don't know who stiles is. He is part of Scott's pack and he's human. He's smart. Nevermind she not my stiles.

Okayy. My beta is weak. she has a brain and shes a great killer.

And now my strongest beta. Brook magdy. She's definitely unstoppable and once she's mad oh, she's mad. She's one of a kind. She doesn't care about anything and doesn't give two poops about anything.

Be like her.

Now let me describe He's one of those people you can't decide if they're nice or jerks.

But you hope they're nice. Okayyy. This ain't RIVERDALE, so don't get your hopes up, no ones falling in love with him.

He has hazel eyes. That look green in the sun and gold in light. He's tall and muscular. You can see his biceps through his shirt. Strong jaw, great smile and a faded beard.

Brown/blonde hair, short and usually in a spiky style. Just to remind you, he's a werewolf, we just don't know what type. We think he's a werewolf.

Now you guys know what our goal is, to find Derek. And no it's not that simple we go to beacon hills and find him. Because beacon hills isn't a real place to "humans", it's fictional made up by crazy people. As least that's what we were told.

And yes should know the exact location. I hope.

My pack is unique.

We just discovered our powers. But we haven't Concord the master of actually turning. But we believe.

That means:
1) the weak beta ;) and the alpha can't control their powers.
2) the hellhound can't control when she turns and when she can stop it.

And you're here to discover their journey with them.


Welcome to shadowcon international school. This isn't a cliche school, where there is the popular kids and the nerds grouped in their grouping. We don't have that crap. Especially, not a lot of bullying takes place. No one judges someone nor makes fun of them, and that's one thing I love about my school.

But I one major thing I hate is, their rules suck. Bro no one gives a crap if my school shoes is leather or Cotten. No one outside the side would care. Not even the parents.

Oh, and let's not talk about how sexiest they are; like Mann if a boy wants long hair, it's not your right to tell them to cut it.

Now enough about that. It was a Sunday. Yes here we go to school on Sunday. So our weekends are Friday and Saturday.

So it was a Sunday morning where all 4 of us met in the girls area on our table. No one else was here from our other friends so we had a chance to talk.

" listen useless alpha when will you find Derek?"

"Shut up hellhound, no gives a care if you breathe fire or give out fire! Even that you can't do." I replied.

"Shhhhh, you both will expose us." Shianna replied.

And that's when an argument started. We argue a lot it's like a hobby.

"Now, we need to learn how to use our powers, yes Derek is our only hope but to get to him we need help from mr homes."

"But no one knows if he's actually a werewolf, I'm not willing to take a risk to look like fools, and what if he's a hunter? I'm not gonna risk dying!" Shianna responded.

Jood responded to her by slapping her head. Heh, that move pisses me off.

"Listen, all three of you, stop it with your fantasy that you think is a werewolf, plus he's not even hot" Brook said.

I rolled my eyes and started speaking
"Listen the full moon is in 2 weeks, on that day We follow him, just one of us needs his scent
But if you think you won't be able to take control I'll hang you up with chains.ah well that sounded funny. If he turns or shows sign of turning then we can start our plan in questioning him to find Derek."

"Wait, is that the nem...." jood asked.

"Girls, pack up and get to class." Mr homes spoke with his deep British accent.

As he left Jood started speaking "omg he was spying at us ."


I chuckled.

Oh, to make it clear here. We think is related to Derek cause he looks identical to him, maybe some changes but at least he gives us hope.

Call us lifeless, but Scott's pack sucks.

In the next chapter each person will tell you their experience on how they got the bite.

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