Bite me.

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Well I did say last chapter each one of us will explain how they got their bite. The story seems boring but bare with me. Life's get hella crazy. Don't worry this book won't be about finding out who bit us, you will discover secrets lies and fun.
It was a school trip to Germany, mid January and it was freezing cold. It was shianna, the fake wizard and me. The fake wizard is a great hilarious friend but there will be another chapter about her.

Shianna and me decided to play a prank and hide from this fake wizard friend. We were at this boring tour area and non of the teachers barely cared. The thing is, the hotel was close by so we weren't afraid to get lost. It was 7:00pm. January 27th 2016. I was 15, shianna was older by a year.

We heard howlings and decided to follow it. Cuz we were big supernaturals fans, we took it as a joke, we acted like some spies and started acting suspicious and stuff. We ended in a dark alley. There was three people huddled in a circle. That's where the howling lead us.

They were talking about going back home something like that. Shianna told me to leave, but I was so interested in how the conversation would go. We couldn't see anything at all. Just heard voices, but we could see a dim light on the other side that would lead us out.

"They will kill you, if they knew." One of the strange people said. Shianna got scared as usually, and started moving, but stupidly as you know, we couldn't see so she banged into something and fell and made the biggest noise. It triggered those 'people' and so they probably thought we heard their whole conversation and got mad.

They started grgrgr. Like dogs. I just found it hilarious and started laughing. I held it in. Everything went silent. Even shianna's breathing. 1 minutes later I hear a scream. WELL HOLY CRAP MY HEART SHATTERED AND I WAS SCARED.

I started panicking, not thinking straight. Then whoop, I was dragged by my legs, but whatever was dragging me wasn't hands, it was teeth. Or fangs if I insisted.
"LEAVE HER ALONEEEE" one of the guys shouted. Yes bro, look at me, I just assumed their gender.

Then a third figure appeared. Some rambling was going on and 5 seconds later I screamed in pain, as I pair of teeth inserted themselves in my shoulders.

I was Screaming in pain, I started fiddling around, moving side to side on the floor trying to ease the pain away. I didn't ask for help, I didn't want them back. I started moving, I carried myself up, and stood up, trying to get my balance. My only concern is to go to my room.

Wait. Where is shianna?

Let's just say, that would be the worst night of my life. After I made that loud noise, I hear gariam chuckle, which clearly got us in more trouble. After a while, I was dragged with my hands.

I heard whispers like, " leave the girl alone, it's just the full moon affecting you."

"You will regret this, this isn't how an alpha should react."

I was hoping on that day, that it was a dream. After that, I was dropped on the floor, I heard another grrrrr. THEN SOME REALLY SHARP TEETH BIT MEEE, and then I was picked up and thrown over the fence. That's when I screamed. Loudly.

I have no idea what happened to gariam, but I was scared I was gonna die here, without my family knowing. I was shaking, and I started crying. I wanted to call for help, but my body wasn't strong enough.

I then faded into black, but I woke up the next day in my hotel bed like it was just a dream. But it wasn't, cuz a huge bandage with Cotten was on my wound, wrap with a white sheet. Gariam told me to keep quite.

The thing is, Gariam told me she was bet too, and managed to reach the hotel room and treat her self. She threw both of our shirts to not get us attention.

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