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Your POV

" Ahhh, Appa, theres not going on with me and jungkook aish " My dad, which is Jungkook's Coach.

" Then why did he want your number for? " Dad asked

" He just wants to say thanks to me. gosh. " I sighed and walk away.

" Aish! This girl is getting out of hand! " I heard him nag

" whatever appa. " I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. His used to me rolling my eyes anyway. So be it. I burst out in tears because I remembered how perfect our family used to be, with mom, but after dad cheated. Mom left. Mom lost the custody of me to dad. So here I am left with dad which is absolutely not the choice I want if I could choose.

* Flashback *

" Appa! Eomma! Smile! " I pointed the camera at them and snapped a photo.

" Look Look! It's a bird! " I laughed and chase the bird.

" (y/n)-ah, time to go home. Kaja. " Eomma said.

" awhile more please! " I pouted and gave them my puppy eyes.

" Arasso. 5 more minutes & we're going home! " My mom smiled.

* End of flashback *

Eomma...I miss you. 5 more minutes of your time please. I really miss having you around me.. I fell asleep with all these thoughts inside me.

" (y/n)-ah! Wakeup! " I woke up to a loud voice calling me, I opened up my eyes and the first person I saw was appa.

" Aish. What you want!? " I asked frustratedly

" You have soccer training today! Wake up and go for training! Stop being lazy, else you'll end up like your mom. " he said and rolled his eyes

" Appa..Why mom? Wae!? " I raised my voice

" Because your mom is ugly and fat! That's why I don't want her! " I balled my fist.

" Appa. I wish you didn't exist. "

A/N: Hello!! I'm finally updating and I know this is a  short chapter but bear with me awhile because I'm currently stuck in between school & work 😭 This chapter is super emotional for me because my boyfriend kinda face something like this before, but whatever it is, I have no means in making fun of him or whatever 🤗 anyways, as usual,

vote & comment ! 🙌🏻

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