Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello, all you beautiful people, I'm here with some announcements and an apology. So, I probably won't be able to update this story again or any of them for that matter until at least June. My school blocked Wattpad, AO3 and on all of the school computers, and updating on my phone would be a difficult process, so while I'll still be writing, I won't be updating until I get a laptop of my own. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Never try to take a nap next to an excitable Charmander. If Red could tell a person anything, it could certainly be that. With all the ruckus Riza was making, he was sure it would be good advice for anyone who had the fortune to train one. It was all far too much noise for him to attempt to reach anything even remotely resembling sleep. Hoping he wasn’t about to make a mistake by involving himself, Red opened his eyes to see what was actually going on, and boy was it an interesting sight. Riza seemed to have taken it upon herself to make sure Piyo was the dizziest bird Red had ever seen. With the small lizard running as fast as possible on all fours in a circle, Piyo was having trouble keeping her eyes on Riza, halfheartedly firing a Gust attack in an attempt to knock Riza off course.

“Alright you two, that’s enough,” Red said, pushing himself into a sitting position. He figured he’d have to wait until both Pokemon were a bit more tired out before having a chance to take his nap, a somewhat sad realization considering the day he’d had so far.

Riza almost immediately stopped running in circles, standing back up on her hind legs. She also seemed to think that giving Red an innocent look would help her case, only to finally get hit by Piyo’s Gust attack. What followed was a mildly comical scene involving Riza getting blown over and then rolling a few feet before finally stopping. Since it wasn’t a strong move, that fact and Riza’s slightly higher level prevented it from doing too much damage. She easily got back up and shot a glare at Piyo.

“Don’t do that. It’s entirely your fault,” Piyo still looked a little bit wobbly, so Red walked over and held out his arm for her to land. Once he felt her sharp talons around his arm, he withdrew it in favor of a closer grip. To calm her down a bit, he stroked her coarse feathers with a few fingers. Then, he sat down with his back against a tree, Piyo now resting in his lap. Riza, left without her playmate, decided to explore the area a bit. Red made sure to keep an eye on her in case she went too far.

“I think we’ll do some exploring of our own too. Though it’s a different sort of exploring,” Red added the second sentence when he saw Piyo blanche at the thought of getting back up. She really wasn’t fond of leaving her comfy spots it seemed. Switching the hand he was petting with, he dug into one of his pockets for his Pokedex. He’d sent several Pokemon to Professor Oak in Viridian City, so he was hoping that there would be some more data soon. As he looked through several entries, he noticed something odd about them. Each entry had a little box next to it, black with a white outline. With a tap of his finger, the box next to the Pidgey entry filled in with white. Another tap, and the color disappeared. It seemed like a rather odd function to have. Red wondered for a second what it could possibly be for. After all, it wasn’t like the Pokedex came with an instruction manual. He thought maybe they were used to keep track of which Pokemon he captured, but he made a note to ask Professor Oak just in case. He felt like Professor Oak really should’ve explained things better.

“Hey look, it’s you,” Red joked, clicking into the entry for Pidgey. Though there wasn’t much info available yet, it was still closer to being filled up than some of the other entries. There was already enough basic info to get by, like low level moves and base stats. In fact, it looked like the next level up move Piyo would learn would be Quick Attack.

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