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We walked to Jaedens parents house, Lindsay was full on angry. She knocked on the door and his mom came to the door. Her eyes went wide as she saw Lindsay. "Lindsay..." she chokes out. "We'd like the twins please." Lindsay says with a fake smile. She rushes into the living room and passes us Noah and Eren. I smile and his mom slams the door in our faces. I start crying as I hold Noah and look at him. Lindsay holds Eren and hugs me. "My babies!" I hear a voice shout. I turn round and see Jaeden with a bruise on his left cheek. I hold Noah close and Eren clings onto Lindsay as if she knows something is wrong. "No no no no!" I yell. He puts his arm out as if I was gonna give him my children. I shake my head and slap him. "How dare you think you can have my babies when you just cheated on me!" I spit. He looks mortified. I push past him and Lindsay follows behind. I hold Noah close and kiss his forehead.

Life with the Lieberhers//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part two)Where stories live. Discover now