Dangers of the full moon

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-Tio's POV-
"I'm just saying he gives off the same warm relaxed trusting feeling you give off." Ken said over the phone and then hung up. "It's weird. When I'm around him it feels like.....I've known him." I said to my self as I laid in bed. "It's almost like he's an ogre" I thought holding Ryan and looking at a picture of my friends from team M.O.N. "I wonder how Manako is doing" I thought as I then heard someone knocking at my bed room door.

-Stephens POV-
After I filled out Elma's forums I walked to Tio's room and knocked on her door. "Who is it?" I heard Tio Ask. "Dishes" I said. "Dishes Who?" Tio asked. "Dishes Stephen can I come in?" I asked. The next This I heard was laughing. She sounded so cute. "Wait why am I thinking that?" I asked my self and walked in. "Hey" I said sitting on her bed. "Hey" she said sitting up. Because of how big she was the area she sat at sank in a little causing my thigh to rub against her thigh and we both blushed a little. "So I uhh ordered some food. I got some pizza pies. I just got plane ones because I don't know what you Elma Ryuko and Amica like so yeah." I said standing up. "Hey uh Stephen. I have to ask you something." Tio said. "Yeah What is it?" I asked. "Well.....you seen ah jeez. What do you think of me?" She asked me. "Well your a pretty cool person. Sure your height can be intimidating but your kindness makes up for it." I answered. "Thanks." Tio said smiling.

-third person POV-
Stephen and Tio then joined the others and ate some pizza. Soon the sun began to set.

-Stephens POV-
"Well I'm going to bed." Ryuko said as she slithered to her room and I heard her door lock. "Ah right it's a full moon tonight. Well good thing Papillion's aren't effected by it." Amica said as she flew to her little apartment box we had plugged in the kitchen and closed her door and had the roof cover on. "Wait so what happens on a full moon?" Genos asked as him and I started cleaning up. "Well some species during a full moon become....well sexual and want to you know to someone." Tio explained blushing. "Wat?" Genos asked. "Basically they wanna to the baby making game" I said. "Ooooooohhhhh." Genos replied. "Now most guide books that people are given in the host program do state that any forceful sexual activity from the species they are taking care of on Nights of the full moon will get warnings. These warnings eventually go away but they still get sleeping pills." Tio then said. "That explains why Ken gave me sleep pills for Ryuko and Elma." I said taking out two pill bottles. "I'll give them the pills." Tio said as she took the bottles and walked to Ryuko room and then the guest room where Elma is staying.

Later that night
Genos has to go to his job at a fast food place for the night shift leaving me alone. It was 11:30 pm and I couldn't sleep at all. What I did was turn on my phone and started watching some stuff. I eventually started talking to Humatrix and even Benny. Humatrix gave me Benny's number. I then heard a noise coming from the kitchen so I went to investigate. I headed to the source and I saw Tio's back as she was standing in the kitchen. "Tio?" I asked as I turned the kitchen light on. I then turned red as I realized she was in her underwear and I turned the lights off. "Hmmm?" Tio said as she turned around. "Oh hello little one." Tio said in a seductive sounding voice as she walked over to me as she had a bounce in her step with her chest bouncing (A/N: I'm not perverted. The anime is. The reason I said that is because well have you seen what she looks like in this anime? It makes sense. Anyway BACK TO THE STORY!) As she got closer and closer I bolted to my room locked the door and barricaded it. Tio eventually walked away. "It's only a matter of time before she comes back. I need a plan." I thought as I walked around. I walked past a pari of googles and had a memory.

-third person POV Flashback-
A five year old Stephen and Genos watching Cartoon network in Stephens parents house. "How Cool would it be if we could be KND operatives Stephen?" Genos asked. "Super cool! Hey why don't we pretend!" Stephen said as him and Genos then ran to Stephens room. "Well what numbers can we be?" Genos asked. Stephen then pulled out some toy blasters and said "I dunno. How about we are KND Agents S And G". "Sure. Agents S and G! I love it!" Genos said. "Alright. Let's move out!" Stephen said putting goggles on. "Why do you have those?" Genos asked as they walked out. "Why not? I look awesome!" Stephen answered. "You watch to much Digimon." Genos answered. The two boys then set out and played in the park. Eventually though they got in trouble and had to escape from a very angry teenage boy.
The two eventually hid behind the building for the restrooms. "This is your fault Agent G" Stephen said. "How?" Genos asked. "Because you had to throw that Frisbee at his nuts." "Oh yeah. Well I can't aim ok" "Any way let's get going. We need to get pass them. I know!" Stephen said. Eventually the two made a go kart out of a lost tricycle,a box and a skate board and they made it home.

-present day Stephens POV-
"That's it!" I said. I then got rid of the stuff blocking my door and down the hallway was Tio. So I ran to her and slid under her and when to the kitchen. Eventually after a few minutes of playing cat and mouse I laid on the couch and Tio finally got me. "There you are!" She said as she hugged and and laid down with me on top. As soon as she fell asleep I got out of her grasp and laid a blanket over her and went to bed in my room.

-Tio's POV-
I woke up the next morning in my underwear on the couch blushing like crazy. I ran to my room and got dressed. I was so embarrassed during breakfast.
"You ok Tio?" Stephen asked "you haven't touched your food." "Oh I'm fine." I said as I began to eat. But I felt Stephen knew something.

-Stephens POV-
I figured Tio might not remember last night so I decided to forget about it.
After we ate I headed to my job at a lego store in the mall. During my shift I saw Ken Smith walk in. "Uh can I help you Mr. Smith?" I asked. "Well yes. I just wanted to check to see how you are with the full moon last night." Mr. Smith said. "We can talk at my lunch break" I replied.
During my lunch break I explained to Ken what happened the night before. "Strange. Is that all that happened?" He asked me. "Yes." I said being completely honest. "Ok. Then" Ken said as he started walking out. "Hey wait Mr. Smith. I was wondering can Tio and I take a trip?" I asked. "You want to go to Guam don't you?" He asked. "Yeah but I don't know if I have enough money." I said. "Well I have a sister there watching Manako. I can take you and Tio there. But Elma and Amica must come as well." Mr. Smith said. "Oh one more thing. I only want you me and your sister in Guam to know about this ok?" I asked. "Deal." Ken said as he left.

-Ken Smiths POV-
As soon as I left the mall Stephen works at I called up my sister. "Hey sis. I'm coming for a visit. Yeah. Don't tell Manako." I said.

A/N: Hey Guys!!!! Yeah that's right. This is three days after the previous chapter. So humatrix-X-24 should get his Full Moon chapter Done. Anyway BYE!!!

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