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As Percy led us to the Hermes cabin, I was thinking how remarkable how much he looked like Fitz. We got there, and Percy introduced us to Travis and Conner. And then I realized, "Hey Percy, are you a demigod?" "Yup, son of Poseidon! G'night!"


the next morning


Travis and Conner woke us up at the crack of dawn. "C'mon guys, time for breakfast!" "UUUUGhhh!! Why does it have to be so eeeearlyyyy?" Keefe groaned. "Oh shut up, Keefe." I said. We followed the rest of the Hermes cabin to this huge building where a lot of picnic benches. "Hey Travis, why are there so many picnic benches?" "Well, every cabin has their own bench that they sit at. But sometimes you can move around to other tables." (It changed after the giant war) "Oh, okay-" Just then there was shouting and pointing at Tam. I looked over, and he was shrouded in shadow, (more than usual anyway) and there was a skull floating over his head. (I'm completely making this up, the books never say how children of Hades are claimed) Linh looked up at his head and shrieked. Tam looked confused, and then a centaur walked in, wait, A CENTAUR?!!? Anyway, he knelt down, and said, "Hail Tam Song, son of Hades, god of the underworld and riches." Everyone knelt down except for Nico, who said, "Cool, I get a little brother." Tam went over and sat down with Nico, while Linh looked near to tears. That's when I remembered she and her brother had barely ever been separated.


After breakfast, we were lead by Conner to the arena to pick out weapons and start training. When we got there, we saw Percy Jackson and Jackie were there teaching. Ten there was a bright green light coming from Linh, I turned around and there was a glowing trident floating over her head. Percy and Jackie looked over, and after they saw the trident, ran over to Linh. "Hey Linh!" Jackie greeted. "Looks like you're our new sister!" "Yup, welcome to team Poseidon!" Percy said. "Thanks guys!" Linh replied. She didn't seem as shy now, like she had some newfound courage. She went over to train with Percy and Jackie, after they suggested she try a sword. She found one Percy said was named ydatóptosi. Somehow I understood that to mean waterfall. "That suits her," Fitz said, voicing my thoughts. "Okay guys, let's pick out some wea-" I started. "Hey! You guys must be the newbies who came last night! I'm Chelsea Winnows, Daughter of Amphitrite. D'you need help with weapons?" "Yeah, actually, that'd be great! I'm Sophie Foster, this is Fitz and Biana Vacker, Keefe Sencen, and Dex Dizznee. We're all unclaimed." "Okay, nice to meet you guys! Let's get you guys some weapons." We walked to the armory, or at least that's what Chelsea said. We walked in, and Chelsea started handing us weapons. Keefe and Biana found they did best with a knife, Keefe's was named kakó, wich Chelsea said meant mischief, which sealed it for Keefe, and Biana's was named váskas, which Chelsea said meant teal. Fitz decided bow and arrows suited him better. Dex said he'd rather try to build his own, and as soon as he said it, a fiery hammer appeared over his head. "Hey, cool Dex! You're son of Hephaestus. God of fires, building, and blacksmiths. The head counselor is Leo Valdez, d'you know him?" "Yup, I met him last night." "Cool. He should be in the forge right about now,  it's right over there, in the direction of the cabins. See it?" "Yeah. Thanks!" "No prob. Go get'm!" She waved Dex off, and he took off running towards the forge. "BYE!!" She yelled after him. 


After training, which, I had never found a suitable weapon, Fitz and I walked to lunch together, while Biana and Keefe stayed behind to talk to Chelsea. We were walking together, when we saw a small dirt path. " Hey, wanna see where this goes?" Fitz asked. "Sure, why not, Chelsea said we still had another half hour till lunch" I replied. "C'mon, let's go!" Fitz cried, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the path. "Slow down, Fitz!" I laughed. We reached the bottom, where there was a small cove, that looked inhabited. We sat down on a rock, and looked out at the ocean, and as I leaned on Fitz's shoulder, he wrapped his arm around me. Then there was a flash of red light, and there was a glowing red heart above Fitz's head. "Sophie? What's wrong? Is there something on my head? Wait-woah, is this what it's like to be claimed?" "C'mon, we need to find someone. Figure out what it means." I pulled him up and we started running to the dining pavilion. On our way there we crashed into someone. "Oof! Sorry! Here let me help you up." I apologized to the blond girl I knocked over. "Oh please. I can do it mysel-Ooh, hey there cutie, what's you're name? I'm Chloe Parkinson, daughter of Pheme, goddess of fame. Oh, ow! I think I broke something!" "Ugh." I facepalmed. "Let me make sure nothing's broken." I told her. "EW! Don't touch me, peasant!" I rubbed the knot under my ribs, trying not to inflict on her. "Um, are you sure you don't want me to make sure you're okay?" I asked, trying to be nice, having learned my lesson from Stina. Maybe she was nice underneath, like Stina kinda is..."Ew, no, peasant. I'll sign something later." ...nope. "Okay, well, bye then?" I said, dragging Fitz away. "C'mon, let's go ask someone who you were claimed by." I told him. 


Okay guys! Chapter two is finally done!! Please please read and comment songs on 'acting out songs starring Leo Valdez'! I really really need songs! Okay, thanks, bye! ~Leitha

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