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Now that the Giant War was over, we were getting new campers nearly every day. But the strangest had to be the elves. The day after they came, at lunch, Sophie ran up to me, completely out of breath. "Annabeth-*gasp*-Annabeth, I think Fitz was claimed!" "Really? Who do you think he was claimed by?" "I don't know! I hate not knowing." When she said that, she was claimed by Athena. The glowing grey owl reminded me too much of the Mark of Athena. I shuddered, then realized Sophie was still looking at me, expecting an answer. "Oh! Well, first, you were just claimed by Athena, that's my mom. So you'll sit with my group for lunch. And second, what was the symbol above Fitz's head?" " Oh! It was a heart pierced by an arrow. And you seem like an awesome sister." I smiled at her, and said, "Well, sounds like Fitz was claimed by Eros, so he'll sit with Mark Buckly and Betty Driza. They're both really nice. That sound okay with you, Fitz?" I asked him. "Sure, that's fine. Oh, and we ran into a girl on our way here, she said her name was Chloe Parkinson-" I cut him off. "You two should probably stay away from her, she's friends with Drew Tanaka, daughter of Aphrodite, and Olivia Harolds, daughter of Peitho. Those three act like they run the camp and try to break up couples. So if you guys want to actually become a couple, you might want to stay away from them." They just stared at me slack jawed. Oops. 


After lunch Sophie and I went to our cabin and I showed her her bunk. It was right next to Felicia's, (Felicia Bookerly, daughter of Athena, Athena newbie before Sophie) with a trunk at the bottom for her clothes and a space on one of the bookshelves for her books. "Wow Annabeth, this is so amazing!! Thank you so so much!!!" "You're welcome Sophie, now, do you mind telling me what's going on between you and Fitz?" "Oh, um.." "I don't mean to pry, it you don't want to..." "No, it's fine, but......If I tell you about Fitz and I, will you tell me about you and Percy?" "Sure! So, do you want to go first, or should I?" "Oh, um, I guess I'll go first. Well, Fitz found me with the humans, and brought me back to Eternalia, the elven capital, and I fell for him then, and now we've become cognates, which basically means our minds are completely connected. We have to tell each other all our secretes, but I haven't told him that one...yet. He still doesn't know, but, I don't know, it's confusing." "Yeah, I can relate, I mean, I didn't give Percy any hints I liked him for four years, when I kissed him 'cause I thought he was going to die. That idiot still  didn't get that I liked him and waited another year to kiss me. Then, as soon as we started dating, Hera, her bovine majesty, kidnapped Percy, he was gone for EIGHT MONTHS and then right after we were reunited, I had to go on a solo mission for our mom, and after that we fell into tartarus." Sophie winced. "Yeah," I sighed, "It wasn't that great." "Well, I'm glad you finally got the guy!" "Oh, we aren't dating."

Okay guys, I'm so so so sorry this was short but I. HAD. TO. END. AS. A. CLIFFY!!! (you're welcome!) Anyway, do you guys like it so far? Well, that's all for now! Byeeeeeeee ~Leitha

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