Rekindled? ~ Part One <3

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Does having my headphones I automatically mean do not what ever you do talk to me? Obviously It does I mean it hardly means "I have my head phones in and my music on full blast but please feel free to talk to me anyway". No. Why can people not understand the rule (if you can call it that) of headphones? Music in , World out.

I'm on my way to the local Café to meet my best friends Megan , Lily , Carley , Sophie and Brooke. In school I guess we were what you would call 'the populars' as in , all the girls wanted to be us and all the boys wanted to be with us. It sounds rude and big headed when I think about it but that's the only way to describe us. I guess you could say we were the plastics of our school only without all the rules. Brooke would definitely be our Regina George , whereas me , I would probably be Caty.

Anyway , I am on my way to meet them , its been months since I last saw them. I am currently studying English at Oxford University in London. Its a long way from home so I only make it up every so often but when I do its a blast. Sorry I keep going off topic , that's always been a bad habit of mine , getting distracted by something completely irrelevant - Liam always laughed and covered my mouth.

Arriving at the coffee shop I am greeted by my five giggling best friends. These girls are mental but they are my best friends and I wouldn't change them for the world. As I enter the coffee shop a chorus of "hello"s and "hi"s errupt from the sofa we claimed however many years ago it was. I reply with a simple "hiya girls" and take a seat next to Sophie.

Out of all the girls me and Sophie have always been the closest of all the girls , we just connected , maybe it's because out of everyone , we were the ones most affected with Liam leaving. I don't know but what ever it was that brought me and Sophie together I am thankful for it.

"You girls ordered yet?" I asked

"Well me , Lily and Megan have - Sophie refused to order until you got here" Brooke replied

"Well your loss as I was going to pay but , oh well. Your regular Soph?"

"Yep , you know me"

Well that was simple enough. Secretly I'm glad I didn't have to pay for Brooke because honestly she's a bitch. With mine and Sophies order established I make my way towards the counter to order. Still with one earphone in I make my way to the counter when suddenly THUD and I'm on the floor.

What the actual fuck just happened? Slowly I look up to reveal a young man - about my age - staring down at me with an empty coffee cup. SOME MORON THREW COFFEE ALL OVER ME!

Not even letting the stranger - who appears to be staring at me quite previly - okay I don't know if that's a word but that's how it feels apologizes. I get up , marching towards the counter when I hear a slight mutter from the mystery coffee thrower




Heyo so this is part one - it's not very good so I apologize but I'm just getting up and running so you will have to bare with for the moment but Liam has made his return




Wow I have problems

Vote and comment for the next chapter ~ Lauren

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