I hope everyone is doing well! ❤️
Maybe you're wondering where I've been for the past two months? A lot has been going on in my personal life. But the main reason I haven't been publishing chapter is because I've had some medical problems I don't want to talk about. It's very personal to me and I'm not ready to tell people about it besides my family and a few close friends. No, I am not depressed or any other type of mental disorder/illness. This has been going on for over a year and has gotten worse.I have little energy, physically and emotionally, and writing has unfortunately not been my top priority. As much as I love writing, it's extremely hard right now. I am trying to not let my problem get the best of me. Recently I've noticed how much it's changed me. I'm not the energetic, optimistic, adventurous girl I used to me and that's taken a toll on me emotionally.
If I'm having a 'break' with my medical problem I will try to write! ❤️ But at the moment it's not possible. Maybe I will release a preview of a short story I've worked on on the side.
Thank you for understanding and I hope to be back soon. ❤️
Teen FictionOlivia Newman always seems to be in trouble. Sometimes it's her fault, other times the blame is set on her. Her so called "teenage rebellion" doesn't look good for the fact her father is the sheriff. After the robbery, Olivia is sent to her aunts f...