A Brief Break

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I hope everyone is doing well! ❤️
Maybe you're wondering where I've been for the past two months? A lot has been going on in my personal life. But the main reason I haven't been publishing chapter is because I've had some medical problems I don't want to talk about. It's very personal to me and I'm not ready to tell people about it besides my family and a few close friends. No, I am not depressed or any other type of mental disorder/illness. This has been going on for over a year and has gotten worse.

I have little energy, physically and emotionally, and writing has unfortunately not been my top priority. As much as I love writing, it's extremely hard right now. I am trying to not let my problem get the best of me. Recently I've noticed how much it's changed me. I'm not the energetic, optimistic, adventurous girl I used to me and that's taken a toll on me emotionally.

If I'm having a 'break' with my medical problem I will try to write! ❤️ But at the moment it's not possible. Maybe I will release a preview of a short story I've worked on on the side.

Thank you for understanding and I hope to be back soon. ❤️


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