The City of Light Part 5

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There are hundreds in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Riding atop the largest one, the girl, the Original. She smiles at me, I smile back. She frowns then yells, "Charge!" to her army of monsters. They come running at us at an even faster pace.
    There is a voice that comes through constant stomping of monstrous feet and shouts of the soldiers,"Hey," I turn around from the oncoming storm and see my father. For a second it looks like he's going to give me a hug, then he changes his mind and holds out a sword in a scabbard for me, "Here it's yours,"
    I take it, there is a rose carved into the pommel and vines etched into the grip. I look up at my father, this was my mother's sword before she died all of those years ago, "Thank you,"
    I loop the scabbard around my belt then pull out the sword. It's a longsword, made out of enchanted rose gold. There are already monsters surrounding the area. I charge into battle. I'm wearing the armor that the City of Light gave me but, I know that its protection against this kind of army is minimal. And so we fight. I lose Jax, Colton, and my Father to the fighting but I trust that they can handle themselves. I get cuts and bruises but I continue anyway. There are shouts of dying soldiers in nearby areas but I ignore all of it. Just keep myself alive, that is my only goal at this point. We seem to fight for hours (though it could have been minutes) until finally, it stops. The sounds of swords clanging against things that it would never penetrate ceases. The constant arrows from atop the prep-building stops. The roars of all of the creatures stop.  All is quiet.
Then a female cackle. Those of us left look in the direction of the noise. It's the original, she has a bloody grin. There is dirt in her blond hair, cuts across her arms and legs, it's a miracle she's standing. Then it starts to fade. Her face turns into one of a children's cautionary tale. Her whole body fades until all that's left is a pale green version of a person.
    "You think you've won. There will always be evil in this world, and it's not always going to be easy to see," then she lunges at me.
    At first, I start raising my sword. Then there is the woosh of a bowstring being let go, the tip of an arrow tip shows, right through her heart. When she falls I see Jax on the other side of her, bow in hand looking mortified. I smile at him, it's not a jubilant smile more a sad one.
Is this what victory is supposed to feel like?
The End (sorry if you didn't like the ending but this is it)

1 year later
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since the battle. My Father and Colton are dead. We found Colton's leg in a bush and that's all that was left of him. My Father died a little bit layter do to an infected wound. The people of The City of Light were returned to the real world and their family. None of them remembered anything, except for Jax and I. We lived in my house. Turns out his parents had been part of a scandal and were beheaded while Jax had been away. Sure we had scars, many scars, but we were there together.
"Hey, what're you doing?" I hear Jax's voice call from the hallway.
I smile, "Oh just writing"
He walks into the room, "Cool, is it about us?"
"Yep, want to sign it?" I hand him the pen.
-   Jax Laurink
-   Annona Juel

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