Maps Upon Maps

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I sat at a table a small TV running in the background. It was some infomercial about solving some problem I didn't need solving. The rest of the large house was silent, the occasional wood creek could be heard, but other than that silent. It was almost suffocating. That was why whenever I sat by myself in this kitchen I turned the TV on and just let it run. The only light sources in the room were the TV and the small lamp over the table where I sat. The lamp gave off an orange coloring, soaking the room in it. Except of course the TV that was a stark contrast to the rest of the lighting shouting at me with angry LED's.

The table was covered in papers. Papers upon papers of my fathers work, I was still trying to make sense of it to no avail. On one there would be a map that would make sense as one building then on the back of it there would be a note explaining the map of what could have been an entirely different place. My father had been a strange man but he was sane, so none of this made much sense. Still, here I sit pouring hours of my time into making notes attempting to figure out what the heck all of this meant. I stared at the pages of writing and drawings until it made my head swim.

Then there was a knock on the door. I can't remember the last time someone knocked on my door. I shook off the sleep and glanced at the clock on the wall. Jesus its 6 am already. No wonder I'm so tired. I quickly try to straighten my outfit before opening the door. On the other side is...well I can't tell who it is quite yet, my eyes are panicking at the sudden exposure. As soon as they calmED THE FRICK DOWN I could see who it was. It was Elias. I tried to put on my most winning smile but at this, it probably looked like a grimace.

"Hey," Elias smiles looking a lot more chipper than me, "I just came to give you this," he holds out a small cake.

"Whhhhyyy?" I mumble out moving out of his way so he could come in. He shuffles in behind me still holding the cake.

Once inside he raises an eyebrow, "Do you know what day it is?"

I glance at the wall as if it's going to give me the answer, "Ummmm February?"

A groan, "What day in February?"


Another groan, "Sky, seriously what is the last time you actually slept?"

I start making my way toward the kitchen and Elias follows, "Ummm I don't know."

He lets out a sigh, he's probably about to lecture me, "Sky look, I came here because it 's your birthday and you forgot all about it. It's February 21st. You need sleep." Elias sets down the small cake on the counter in the kitchen.

I smile grimly plopping down in one of the chairs at the table, "Oh that's all,"

Elias looks genuinely concerned when he sits down opposite of me, "Sky, Skylar, Sky, I have known you for 17 years, you can talk to me. I know losing your dad has been hard but you can't just close everyone else out,"

"No that's not it. I could care less that that old man is dead. I just need to figure this out," I gesture to the papers scattering the table, "He knew something and I want to know what it was. So I need to figure this out,"

Elias slowly moves to the seat next to mine and sifts through some of the papers, "What language even is this?"

I sigh and lay my head on the table, "I don't know, I googled it first and no one knew then I brought it to four historians and none of them knew what it was either,"

I hear him look through some more papers, "Sky, I think you need some time with a friend,"

I slowly bring my head up from the table and look at him. He's moved over to the cake on the counter. I watch him grab some plates and put a slice on each piece, "Where're your candles?" Elias asks opening a few cupboards I'm about to answer before he sees them, "Nevermind,"

Soon he brings over the two pieces of cake but one has a lit candle in it he sits next to me and puts them on the table, "Okay so you are going to blow out that candle, let me wish you a happy birthday, and then you are going to go take a nap," he smiles, "you look like a zombie,"

I smile softly, "Okay fine but you can't sing the actual birthday song, we aren't five anymore,"

He chuckles a little, "Okay, okay, just like pretend to make a wish and blow out the candle,"

So I do. I close my eyes. I don't wish for anything, in particular, then I blow out the candle.

"Happy birthday," Elias says cheerfully.

"Yaaay," I say weakly, "finally 22,"

"Now go to sleep," Elias quickly stands, grabs me, and throws me over his shoulder.

I reach for the cake on the table, "Buuuut the cake,"

He chuckles and I can feel his chest shake. He continues walking and heads up the stairs to my bedroom. I stop struggling and just lay limp staring at his back. Soon I hear a door open and I am tossed on a bed.


And I do. I sleep for the first time in what feels like forever.   

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