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There once was a girl that was often teased as a child. She lived in a less than ideal situation. A constantly angry mother. A non-existent father. And a brother that was hardly home. it was quite the problem in her small world. One day she went to school and was greeted by a young boy. He had the reddest hair that she had ever seen and beautiful green eyes. She was just sitting casually in her seat when he came up to her before class.

"What do you want?" she asked him.

He looked shocked, "I'm hurt, I'm just a boy that wanted to ask if you needed any help with your homework that we did yesterday,"

She gives him the most dumfound look, "No I don't need any help. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious," and with that, he left and went to his usual seat in the front of the room.

She remembered him the rest of the day. Most people didn't even want to be near her much less actively talk to her. It was quite the occasion.

When she went home that night she was greeted by yet another drunk mother lying on the couch. After approaching her closer the girl saw that her mother was not only laying on the couch but passed out on it. She shook her head slowly before heading to her room across the hall. When she arrived her computer was laying on her desk just as it had been that morning. She pulled up her favorite game on it and began playing. Her games where somewhere she could escape. Where she could live without having to worry about who knows what she's done.

After nearly an hour of playing she shut her laptop and went to her closet to change out of her school uniform. It was pretty basic attire. A shirt and skirt. She grabbed some sweat pant and a random shirt to wear to bed before laying down to go to sleep.

7 hours later her alarm clock went off signaling that she needed to get up and go to yet another miserable day at school. She shook her head after going back into the living room and seeing her mother still passed out on the couch. Of course, this was a usual thing that happened. She would have a bad day at work and then would wallow her sadness in alcohol. It was a vicious cycle of misery. Sadly the girl already learned the hard way not to wake up her mother after she fell asleep from to beer. So instead she grabbed an apple, her backpack, and headed out the door.

After arriving at school she was greeted by the same person as yesterday. 'What does this creep want ?' she asked herself, of course, there was no answer.

"Hey, are you busy after school today?" he asked.

She looked at him hesitantly, "I don't know why?"

"Well, me and my friends are going to go to the arcade and they wanted to bring a few girls so that it didn't look weird and I thought I'd invite you,"

She shook her head, "Why me of all people to invite. You don't even know me,"

He smirked, "You wanna bet?"


"Okay, so you come from a poorer family. You have a sibling who cares about you but is scared to come home so he leaves you to fend for yourself. You enjoy video games, reading, writing, and probably British actors."

Her eyes widened 'He got it all right,' "That was just luck," she stated.

"Was it though?"

Sure enough, she accepted the boy's offer and went to the arcade with him, and his friends. After a few excursions, they started dating.

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