New Years Eve

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It was New Year's Eve and a couple of my friends and I had gone to the bar. I watched her all night. She was wearing a brown leather jacket, combat boots, skinny jeans, and had long black hair. She sat there all night, a glass of whiskey in one hand, the other constantly tapping out a tune. She was there when we arrived and I couldn't take my eyes off her. It didn't take long before my friends were totally wasted. They walked, closer to stumbled, toward her table. I didn't move, I couldn't, I knew how they got when my friends got drunk, they were very flirty. I saw them, sit across from her and start talking. I could still here the conversation from where I sat.
"Hey baby, what are you doing out of the kitchen?" I heard Sam say surrily.
I couldn't see her face but I watched as her fingers stopped tapping and became a fist, "Leave me alone,"
Now Brandon started in, "No, you're supposed to obey your superiors,"
I watched her knuckles grow white around her glass and her fist become even tenser, "I said, leave me alone,"
Sam gripped her arm, "Sorry, no can do,"
I watched her head come up from looking at the table and rip her arm from Sam's grip, "Leave me alone,"
Brandon let out a huff, "You can't tell us what to do It was a mistake even letting women make their own decisions,"
I watched her hands flatten out on the table, "I'll have you know that I was a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marines and fought 4 tours in Afghanistan. I would love it if you would just leave me alone,"
Sam grabs her arm again. Then just like that it over. She get out of her chair and twists Sam's arm behind his back causing him to scream out. The Brandon comes at her from behind, I watch her fist fling in the air and make a connection with Brandon's jaw. Sam starts struggling from her grip and she twists his arm even farther I hear a distinct snap and I know that she has broken his arm.
"Darius, help!" I hear Sam yell I feel alarmed at the mention of my name.
She lets go of him and looks at everyone else in the bar. Brandon is unconscious on the floor from the one direct hit on his skull. Sam is groaning, holding his arm.
"Which of you is Darius?" She demands, I slowly stand and walk over, "You need to watch those friends of yours or else next time it will be worse than a broken arm,"
I nod my head fast, "Yes," She starts walking out and throws a wad of cash at the bartender then when she reaches the door I speak, "And thank you for your service,"
I watch her shake her head slowly then continue out the door.
I went to the bar every night after that, just hoping to see the strange girl that had been at the bar New Year's Eve. Then I saw her face on the paper with the headline, 'War Hero Receives Gold Star Award for Her Acts in Afghanistan'. I smile to myself; that girl was something else.

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