- Dream - SMUT -

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(Disclaimer #1: You're referred to as Sole (aka Sole Survivor) instead of "(y/n)" because it's in 3rd person POV and I don't the whole paragraphs to be full of that.

Disclaimer #2: (e/c) means eye color. (H/c) means hair color. You get it.)

The unconscious figure of Sole on the bed in the room behind Nick's office begins rustling the sheets. He lifts his head from his work, turning it to the sound of her shifting her position. After a moment, it stops, and he's able to return to the pile of folders in front of him.

"I'm headed home. See you later, Valentine." Ellie speaks softly as she approaches the door. Stopping and leaning back to catch another glimpse of Nick, she speaks once more. "Do you want the light on or off?"

"On. I don't think I'll be able to even pretend to sleep tonight."

"Alright. See you tomorrow, then."

As she leaves, Sole rustles once more. Stirring more than usual, Nick can't quite decide if he's annoyed or concerned yet. He stares into the darkness of the room until the noise finally stops again before attempting to turn back to his work. Emphasis on try. Because this time, his train of thought that had thoroughly been interrupted, was screeched to a halt  to the familiar noise, but accompanied by Sole's soft whimpering.

He raises an eyebrow and pursues her, leaving his seemingly important case behind, discovering a possible new one.

Entering the room, she lays on the bed asleep. Her eyebrows furrowed, and mouth spread in a tight line. Her mouth was letting out an audible but soft cry.

It seemed to Nick that she was having another nightmare. Ones of her husband. Ones of her lost child. Life before all of this. And, she usually did. Almost every night until recently.

Tonight, though, was a different story. She dreamt of a masked man in a creepy trench coat swiftly creeping through her home, finding her, and doing things to her. Things she liked, things that haven't happened in about 211 years.

Nick slips his hat off, placing it carefully on the bedside table. He also removes his coat, leaving him in his shirt, and his loosely tied tie drooping low down his metal chest. He stands at the side of the bed, leaning against the wall a bit. She parts her lips and cries lightly again, turning, and clenching the blankets in her hands.

Valentine leans forward, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, caressing with the intent to wake her up. She didn't. He tries once more, and this time speaks up.

"Hey." He whispers. "Hey, shh."

Sole stops struggling amongst herself, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. The pit of her stomach churns with the same feeling she was experiencing in her dream.

"It's just a nightmare, doll. You're okay."

She looks up, (e/c) eyes meeting Nick's golden irises in the dark. Comfort. Relief. She continues to breathe heavily as she blankly stares at him. Valentine removes his hand from her shoulder and returns it to his side.

Not sure what else to do, she gets up on her knees and waddles over to the edge of the bed where Nick stands, and buries her face in his chest. Nick places a hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through her hairs. She parts from him and sighs.

Imagines - Nick Valentine x Sole Survivor/Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now