Training sucks

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Percy's POV

The training instructor seemed nice at first, he made us do a 1k jog through Hel, followed by a swim... In lava. Because we're in Hel and water evaporates instantly. During the training I met few of the other warriors including  Kronos, Magnus Chase, Luke and Darth Vader... Just kidding about that last one but still, a pretty badass team.

I thought the training couldn't get harder as I got out of the 50m lava pool but I had to do 50 press-ups followed by a fight... My new Mum and Thalia versus me and Eros.

Hel's POV

It is time for me to see just how strong Perseus is. As the umpire says to start, Thalia and Perseus go in a ball of speed as their weapons clash over and over again, Riptide and Thalia's two nifty hunting knifes with the ability to direct bolts of electricity. Perseus eventually gives in and sends a wave at Thalia with only just enough force to push her back a few steps. Thalia then shoots water and electricity from her hands in a badass mixture of power and fury, knocking Perseus unconscious, but as she is a sympathetic and loving person kisses him on the forehead. Meanwhile I'm just casually blocking Eros' arrows. Just as Thalia is about to attack the love god, I engulf him in flames - which if you can't tell already, brings joy to me. The love god crumples at my feet. Pathetic!

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