Winter Soldier (part 2)

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It had been a day since the mysterious woman attacked my apartment, tenzin has been in intensive care since the attack, people say he will pull through, Tenzin warned me that there are enemies in shield but he wasn't able to tell me anything else because he fell unconscious, I don't  understand what he means but I have to trust him

"Captain Avatar,  Director Lyn would like to see you" a nurse says so I follow her, she says director Lyn, I thought she was Tenzins second in hand, she must be in charge while fury is out

I walk in to see Mako with a grey striped hoodie with a jacket over the top

"Yes what is it" 

"We are sorry but Tenzin isn't going to make it" Lyn tells me, I could see tears in her eyes 

"Come on is there nothing you can do" I beg, he was kinda an untrustworthy father figure to me

"We are sorry Captain but there is really nothing" I look at his body as they cover it up with a white sheet 

Tears come to my eyes but I push them away, I need to find those traitors 

Mako walks up to me and I see the fear in his eyes

"Why did Tenzin go to your apartment" 

"To give me this" I say showing him the USB stick fury gave me 

"You can't tell anyone you know your a bad liar" 

"Yeah, I need to go back to Shield HQ" I mumbled as I walk out 

Time skip SHIELD HQ

I walk into Director Amon's room, I had my armour on and my shield was on my back I wasn't ready to trust anyone yet

"Do you know why Tenzin was in your apartment" he asks

"I don't know, he just told me I shouldn't trust anyone" I tell the man


"I'm clearly not needed here" I mumbles walking out into the elevator

I tap the button to go the ground level, at every level the elevator stops  and some men walk in 

Some are sweating, other are clenching there guns, something us up, more walk in until the elevator is full

I stand in the middle of the Elevator 

"Does anyone want out before we begin" I say to them 

And the fight begins, I start fighting when one of the men cuff my hand to the wall and then someone puts up another one on my hand, I tried to pull away but I couldn't. 

"Sorry about this you were a good captain"  one pulls out a stick and electricity crackles along it and they stick it on my abdomen 

"Gah" I moan as it sends electricity throughout my body

"She will be knocked out in about ten seconds" one of them mumbles 

My vision starts to blur, I pull against the magnetic cuffs, I free my hand and punch the nearest guy, more men charge at me, I kick my shield that's lying on the ground, I grab it and I knock the other cuff freeing both my hand As more men come at me 

After about five minutes, they were all lying on the ground knocked out, I catch my breath and the elevator door opens and I see about 30 men with guns pointed at me 

"Come on" I mumble analysing my situation there was no way I could get through those men and then I looked out the window it, i was about 12 floors above the ground, so I made the obvious choice I smashed out the window. 

As I was falling I put my shield infront of me so it takes the brunt of the impact 

The ground nears and I brace for impact

Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating, I'm at my grandmas she hasn't got wifi, I'm really sorry, hopefully you guys are still enjoying these don't forget to leave a request 

Love edna 

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