2-Pool Day

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Chapter 2..

So after we all introduced ourselves, me and Gabby ran up to our room to go put our bathing suits on. I put on a strapless teal and purple bikini on. (The top was twisted in the middle so it was half real half purple and the bottom was teal). Gabby out on a hot pink bikini. We're both on the same sports teams and get our muscle and abs from mostly gymnastics, but lacrosse and cheer add to that too. So you can say we're pretty fit. Being that I'm so short we look kinda funny next to each other sometimes but it's cute. we just left our hair in messy buns, out our shorts back on and ran back downstairs.

When we got downstairs Sam was in the kitchen and he said "Really gabby, Really Kota. Bikinis?!Seriously!! There's horny teenage guys out there!! You aren't helping solve this problem at all they're just going to get even hornier. Go change."

We just simply said "No." And ran outside laughing, we could here Sam hysterically laughing from inside the house. He is honestly so weird sometimes.

When we got outside, all the guys just stared at us, almost as if they were in awe. I said "Take a picture boys, It'll last longer." With a smirk and wink at the end.

Then Taylor said "Oh yea? Then come take a picture with me. Just so I don't have to keep staring." He said it with a grin.

I just laughed at him.

He then was like "I'm serious." With another one of those dayum winks!!

So what did I do, I went over to him and said "Alright let's take one."

We ended up having like a photoshops in the backyard. Me and Taylor took 5 pictures. One was a hugging picture, I kissed his cheek in one. I did it just to catch him off guard and it was honestly really funny because in the picture his eyes were kind of wide and his face lit up. Then in the next picture, he kissed my cheek!! Then one where we were just standing there and he had his arm around my waist. And then for the last one I went on his back. Gabby took the pictures for us while the rest of the guys just went in the pool.

Then Nash came over to me and said, "You know, you have a really nice body. Especially for a 14, almost 15 year old." I just blushed and looked down. When I looked back up he wasn't there he was in the pool and saw me look up, he just winked at me. UGGGGHHH why are these guys all so perfect?!

So then I went in the pool for a little and then all the guys yelled chicken. I looked around for Gabby and found her already looking at me with a weird smirk on her face. We're beast at this game!! Nobody can ever beat us. so I swam over and hopped on her shoulders. The partners all went like this; me on gabby's shoulders, Taylor on nash, hayes on carter, Aaron on shawn, Sam W on Jack G, Jack J on Matt, JC on Kian, Trevor on Connor, Sam in Ricky. (A/N so sorry if I forgot anybody+also they have music playing in the background during this whole like little pool party!!)

We legit beat EVERYONE!!

"We just kicked all your asses." Gabby said.

"GABBY LANGUAGE!" Connor yelled.

And we all just burst out laughing. Then all of the sudden Matt says "I don't think that was quite the fairest competition, these girls are like replicas of each other come on! I declare a REMATCH!"


Then I ran and jumped on my brother shoulders. Gabby ran to Connors. And everyone just switched to another person. I beat all of my competitors again!! And then it came down to me vs Gabby!! oh no.. imma loose!

"Fight me!" she said.

"Alright you said it." I said and then grabbed her shoulders and pushed her backwards!! I then stood up on Sam's shoulders and did a back flip off of them. Everyone just looked at me like I was crazy and Gabby, and the rest of 02l just broke out into laughter.

Then you hear all the Magcon guys say "ZAYUMM GURRLL!! YOU GOT A BÆ OR NAW?! IS YOU TRYNA DATE? OR NAW?" And we all kept laughing!!


Eventually,once it started getting dark, we all got tired of the pool so we all went inside to change, because the guys were all sleeping over so they had extra clothes and stuff like that. I mean personally, I don't really mind if they kept their shirts off but whatever. So then, Kian ordered like 10 pizzas for all of us. And we just say and watched tv until the pizza got here.

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