Chapter 2

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“So, do you have any plans for your vacation?” Shannon asked while we were opening the restaurant. I worked there three times a week and two days at the magazine.

“Actually yes. Jc and I are going to Paris for a week, he surprised me with it yesterday! And then I am probably going back to San Antonio for a few days.” I said and smiled.

“Aw, that seems amazing! I wanna have a boyfriend that will book a trip to Paris too!” She said sounding jealous.

“I´m so happy for you though!” She said and chuckled.

“Haha. You will find someone soon too, promise! And what about you, do you have any plans?”

“Yeah, some friends and I are going to New York for a few days, then I´m going to stay home I guess.” She said.

“Ah that seems fun! I´ve always wanted to go there!” I said and we continued talking about boys while we were working. I really loved working with Shannon, she was my age and we had really gotten to know each other really good during the year I´ve been working there. She, Matt and I always had so much fun when we worked together, though our boss, James, didn´t really appreciate us three fooling around, and he usually just laughed at us and let it go. After a few hours people started coming in and we all got really busy. I couldn´t wait to get back to the apartment where I could get to my bed, and Jc.  

“Hey Ali!” I suddenly heard someone say. I looked up from the dishes to see Matt coming in, preparing to work his shift.

“Hi Matt, what´s up?”

“I don´t want to work today, but I need money, so here I am.” He said with a sarcastic voice.

“Ey cheer up, you get to sleep late, and I had to get up early to open this place.” I said. I had only three hours left of my shift but I was already exhausted.

“But I´m opening up the rest of the week.” He said but didn´t look happy.

“Shannon´s opening up too so you´ll be fine.”

“Hey, we should go out on Friday? Wanna get a drink? Now that you´re finally old enough.” He said and laughed.

“You´re only one year older so shut up.” I said.

“Will the boyfriend approve?” He said, knowing me so good, he had gotten to realize how overprotective Jc could be. And ever since I turned 21 Jc didn´t like me going out.

“He´ll have to! But got to get back to work now, hurry up, we have a lot to do!” I said while walking back to the restaurant.

“Honey, I´m home.” I said with an exaggerating voice and I laughed at myself. I walked into the living room to see Jc sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hand.

“Hey babe, how was your day?” He asked and looked at me with a smile.


“Come here then.” He said, gesturing me to come to sit with him on the couch. I went over there immediately and rested my head in his lap. He bent down to kiss me and started stroking my hair.

“I´m going out on Friday with Matt.” I said.

“Can I come?” He immediately asked.

“No. Come on Jc, it´s with Matt, he won´t let anyone do anything.” I assured him.

“Ali, remember that you´re 21, you´re not exactly ugly, and many guys will try things.” He said. I sat up, feeling irritated.

“Are you my dad or my boyfriend?” I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

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