Chapter 7: "No steps forward, a million back."

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Sasha's POV.

I try to turn around in the bed, but someone is holding me captive.

A smile spreads on my face when I remember last nights events.

Seth and I had an amazing night. Not in that way. We ate the honeymoon special which only had one set of utensils.

Afterwards we just layed on a bench on the balcony and talked about everything. It was great to have some one on one time with him.

I don't even remember coming to bed. We or well, I must've fell asleep outside and he carried me in.

I stare at his sleeping face and draw patterns all over his face and jaw.

He groans, but still doesn't wake up and pulls me even closer. I smile against his chest and drape my arm around his neck.

"Seth?" I whisper in his ear.

He doesn't move an inch and he's still sleeping.

I shake my head and kiss him on his cheek.

"Seth, you awake?" I whisper and just when I am about to call him again, he grips my waist and lazily open his eyes.

"It is too early to be awake." He groans and close his eyes again.

"Well, you have to let me go. I need to pee." I reply and try to wiggle out of his grip.

"Nope." He replies and holds me even tighter.

"Seth..." I whine and kick his shin.

"That really doesn't hurt. I have been through worse in the ring." He simply says, making me groan in frustration.

"Please?" I beg and he reluctantly lets me go.

I smile in victory and jog to the bathroom.

Sometimes he is too cute...


I am now laying in my bed while the afternoon light is glowing through my window.

After Seth finally woke up, we spent the day together just lounging around and talking.

But now I am in Los Angeles for a media autograph signing since I am the Smackdown Women's Championship.

Seth is attending a barbeque at Kat and Dean's house. I was also invited, but I am halfway across the country.

While I am awkwardly trying out a new laying position, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say without looking at the caller ID. 

"Hey Sasha, how are you?" I hear a male voice who I know identity as Finn Balor.

"Hi, I am all good, just bored out of my mind, you?" I say with a groan.

"Same, would you mind to come with me to grab something to eat?" He politely asks.

A smile takes over my face and I reply instantly. "Sure, I'll meet you at the lobby in 10."

"Great." He simply says and rings off.

I jump up and dress into a black jean, pink floral top and white flats. My hair is in a high ponytail and I decide to leave it like that.

I grab my phone and purse and go to the lobby.

"Balor." I say and hug him.

"Banks." He replies and returns the hug.

"Chinese or Italian?" He asks while we walk out. 

"Chinese." I say definitely while we walk to the restaurant.

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