Chapter 15: " Are You That Dumb?"

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Sasha's POV

I throw Charlotte over the ropes and then climb onto the top rope and jump on her.

She is completely out and I stand up and take my hair out of my face.

After what happened at the Battle Royal, Charlotte and I went into a storyline based on how much I hate her for eliminating me.

I grab her hair and throw her into the ring.

She is literally out and I put her in the Banks Statement.

After tightening my grip, she let's go and taps out.

The ref holds up my hand and I walk out. When I get backstage, I immediately make a beeline for the locker room.

After dressing into my normal clothes, I walk out and bump into the person I tried to avoid.

"Sasha, please listen to me." Seth pleads and grabs my arm.

"Just let me go, Seth." I hiss and pull my arm away from his grasp.

"Please, I just want to explain, to talk?" He asks with a heartbroken expression.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you." I coldly reply and walk away, letting my tears fall.

"Sasha!" He calls after me, but I keep on walking and ignore his calls.

I dress into skinny jeans, a black lace top and black boots. I am going clubbing now.


At the club, the atmosphere is pretty good, offering me the must needed distribution.

I order a few shots and down them, when someone sits next to me.

A guy offers me a smirk and he literally screams player.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asks with a smirk.

"No thanks, I'm good." I say and lift my shot glass up.

"You sure?" He asks and winks at me.

"Just go bother another willing girl." I say and order more shots.

He leaves and I take a few more shots. Someone next to me clears a throat and I reluctantly glance over.

I really don't feel like company, so whoever this is needs to leave.

I turn towards my right and look into bright green eyes.

It is the same girl who kissed Seth.

"What the hell do you want?" I hiss and down my other shot.

"Excuse me?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Do you really have to ask me that?" I ask eyeing her with disbelief.

"I don't know what you mean. I was just about to wish you luck on your relationship with Seth?" She says looking confused.

I roll my eyes and down another shot.

"Really? So it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you can gloat after kissing my boyfriend?" I ask and glare at her.

"I- I didn't kiss him... Or not in that way." She softly says and I just roll my eyes.

"Not in that way. What other way is there?" I ask with sarcasm.

"Look, I wanted to get back together with Seth, but he told me that he is with you. That was just goodbye. Nothing more." She says sounding sincere.

"I don't care. Go be with him. We are done." I say with finality.

"Don't let Seth suffer for something I did. He was so happy that things between us are sorted out. He just wanted to be with you." She says, but I block everything out and walk away after throwing money on the counter.

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