Chapter 26: "I Love You Sasha."

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Seth's POV

My heart broke into a thousand little pieces when I heard her voice.

She sounded so scared and broken. I swear if I get Faye, I'll kill her.

"You flirted with another dude?" Dean disbelievingly asks when we get back into the car.

"It got us what we wanted." Kat shrugs and puts her wedding ring back on.


Well, Faye left us a clue to find Sasha and Kathy which lead us to the bar to find the second one. Kat had to flirt with the bartender to get it and Dean obviously wasn't too happy.

Roman is sitting shotgun with Dean driving while Kat and I are at the back.

Kat opens the clue and reads it aloud.

#2 You got past Dave, so I'll give you that. Do you remember our first date? Well once you figure that out it won't be so hard to find the next clue, it is very much alive and shocking to say the least.

"What was your second date?" Kat sarcastically ask and throws the note at me with an angry expression.

Dean sighs and close his eyes for a moment to think after he
parked the car.

"Uhm, I don't know!" He yells after a few minutes.

"Think, Dean, the least you can do is remember your first date with your psycho ex girlfriend who kidnapped my daughter and best friend!" Kat shouts and kick Roman's seat.

I grimace at her anger and give her a sympathetic look. Faye is obviously trying to pull Dean and Kat apart.

"You don't think that I'm trying here? It is not my fault that she is hounding us." He yells back in exasperation.

"Not your fault? You didn't see any of my exes crawling back into my life, making up fake children!" Kat retorts with a glare.

I cut them off and try to think what Dean's first date was. But I can't even form a coherent thought since Sasha is constantly on my mind.

Her scares voice keeps replaying in my head and it's killing me.

"It doesn't matter, I just can't stand the fact that you keep blaming me for-" Dean begins, when Roman suddenly jumps in.

"The docks." He says with a lightbulb expression.

"I don't want to go to the beach for Christ's sake." Kat yells in frustration.

That is when it hits me.

"No, the docks. That's where your first date was, Roman you're a genius." I exclaim and Kat gives me a weird look.

"And you guys know that how?" She asks.

"Dean was nervous about it and-" I start remembering the story, but Roman hits my head to shut me up.

"What's important is that we need to go to the docks." Roman cuts me off.

Hopefully this lead us to Sasha.


"So, what are we looking for?" Dean asks while eyeing the busy dock.

We arrived here a minute ago and the place is packed.

"Something shocking and alive." Roman says remembering the note.

"That could literally be anything!" Kat exclaims and gestures to the dock.

I take a deep breath and clear my throat.

"Okay. Let's just think rational about this. What is alive?" I ask.

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