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I don't own this video it belongs to Sinon she uploads nightcore videos of songs and this is one of my favorites 


-The Day to pick teams-

Kayla's POV

I start to wake up as my alarm goes off and I smash it. I sit up and I yawn. I slowly open my eyes while I get out of bed and I grab my usual outfit and I change and I brush my hair and I put it up in twin tails. I walk to the kitchen and I grab an apple and I walk to the academy still half asleep and I sit down in my usual seat and I yawn a little. "I hate mornings." I mumble and someone laughs beside me. "Shut up Uchiha." I mutter.

He glares at me. "I hope I'm not put on a team with you, your a buzz kill." Sasuke says.

"Says the emo duckbutt." I say to him smirking.

"I'm not emo I just keep to myself." Sasuke says to me glaring.

"The definition of emo good job your face is in the dictionary." I say sarcastically while clapping a little sarcastically.

"KAYLAAAA." I hear someone yell down the hall and a blonde blur rushes into the room. "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE WITH OUT ME." Naruto yells and pouts next to me.

"Oh sorry did you say something Naruto I wasn't paying attention my mind wandered back to my bed and how comfy it was when I was in it before I got out to leave." I say sarcastically and he pouts more. "Would you quit it or I'm gonna tell Mom later that you bugged me while I was trying to wake up fully and how the hell do you have so much energy." I say and he runs across the room and back as fan-girls chase him and then he gets in Sasuke's face about something and then I zone out until..


"Wow Sasuke I didn't know you were gay you to Naruto." I say to them shocked and the glare at me.

"I'M NOT GAY." They yell in unison

"Then why did you two just kiss." Kiba says defending me.

"THAT WAS ON ACCIDENT." Naruto yells as Sasuke panics.

I scratch Akamaru under his chin and be barks happily and everyone looks at me. "What are you all staring at." I tell them and they look at me curious. "You know staring is rude and not very lady like or gentleman like." I scold everybody and Iruka walks in and sweat drops as he hears me scolding everyone. "and you Iruka-Sensei you should have been here earlier instead of being late by five minutes seriously." I scold everyone.

"Just like her mother." Iruka mutters. "Ok everyone sit down I am gonna list the teams." he announces and I sit back down and I zone out until he announces my name. "Team 11 Kayla Namikaze, Kiki Inuzuka, and Haru Strife." he says and i stand up abruptly 

"THEM?" I yell and i point to the two. "WHY THEM OUT OF EVERYONE." I yell

"I dont see the problem here." Iruka says.

"You might not but I sure as hell do the boy Haru and the girl Kiki they are fan-boy and fan-girl they annoy the hell out of me cause they fan-boy/girl over Sasuke and thats all I'm gonna hear on this team if I die its on their hands cause they were to busy fan-girling and fan-boying over someone mentally and not helping me on a mission." I state and the two people I was talking about glare at me.

"Well no one asked for your oppion Namikaze." They say as they glare at me.

"Well I gave it anyway so shut up and not get me killed by a muderous cat and maybe a actual mission." I say to them glaring.

His Twin Sister (Naruto Fan-Fic) (Kiba love story)Where stories live. Discover now