How Did Dad Manage All of These People

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I am done with disclaimers they are stupid people already know I don't own anything just my OC's.

-1 Week Later-

Kayla's POV

I groan and I lay my head somewhere else trying to block out the sunlight.


I groan more and I block my eyes from the sunlight.

"Come on its time to get up you've been asleep for a week." I hear a women say.

"Noooo I want to keep sleeping I'm comfortable." I say moving around a little.

"Pink fluffy chickens are attacking."

I bolt up in a defensive position. "Where." I say looking around the room warily.

I hear someone groan behind me.

"Where is she." I hear him say and I turn around. "Where's Kayla is she ok." He says sitting up.

"Yeah I'm fine even though I want to keep sleeping." I say pouting.

"You always want to sleep." Naruto says rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah because in the dream world I can make it all my own and escape the life called Reality." I say emphasizing reality.

"We should get up though I'm starving." Naruto says and on cue our stomachs rumble.

I laugh nervously and we get up and change into some clothes. I change into a black short sleeve shirt with black shorts and a fishnet long sleeve under my short sleeve shirt. I put on my black ninja sandals and Naruto well he changes into what he always wears and we walk down stairs and we order some food and we eat and eat until we are full.

"You know Naruto, some one in the rookie nine has a crush on you and she's a friend of mine actually a good friend almost like a sister." I say with a grin.

"WHO IS IT SAKURA." He yells at me.

"Your so dense." I say banging my head on the table. "Its Hinata you moron." I say to him and he looks at me weirdly.

"Hinata no she couldn't have a crush on me." Naruto says.

"So dense so freaking dense. Sorry Hinata I tried to tell him for you." I mutter and I keep banging my head on the table.

"Kayla come here."

I groan and I stand up and I walk over. "Yes Shizune?" I ask.

"How are you even alive?" She asks me.

"Uhh well my Mom and Dad-" 

"That's not what I meant I mean you have sever damage to your gut you shouldn't be alive." Shizune says.

I think for a minute. "I was staying alive because people need me to I have no choice really." I say to her with a thoughtful look.

"Which people?" Tsunde asks.

"Well for starters Naruto and then Konohomaru the kids of the village. The other genin, some Jounin, and some Chunin. The villagers they need someone to rely on to help them build and help babysit their kids and help with a lot of other things. Moegi, Udon. A lot of people need help in the village not to mention the paperwork in the Hokage office is staking up and even though I know how to do it incase Dad died and we had to look for a Hokage I was supposed to take care of it and damn my role is kind of important I never really thought about it until now." I say to them with a small smile then a realization hits me. "SHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO THE PAPERWORK." I yell running back up stairs grabbing all my stuff sealing it in a scroll and I set it inside my pouch and I run out of the hotel and I flash step to the Hokages office scaring Shikaku and Yoshino.

His Twin Sister (Naruto Fan-Fic) (Kiba love story)Where stories live. Discover now