Phone call chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I pulled over and called jasper.

"Hi, Jaala was up?"

"Nothing much." I said calmly. Then in a pi**ed of voice "Except for the fact that you got me kicked out of my house and I've got nowhere to go!"

"Wow what's with you?" When he finally got it "I'm really sorry. But you gotta admit that you and your mom sound alike on the phone."

"Im really mad you still and a simple apology will not do it." The anger from earlier on was still there. "I thought I told you not to call!" I yelled down the phone. "Well the house anyway. And now that I've got nowhere to go what shall I do, huh?"

"Well you can always come and stay with me." He subjected, he sounded real sad.

"Well have I got a chose its either your place or the street." my voice calmed down a bit. I don't know why though.

"well I'll come get you where are you?" He asked still in the sad voice. I know what he's trying to do! He trying to win me over.

"I have on idea and I'll prefer to live on the street than live with you!" I'm pi**ed of again. I have no idea what is with me its not like he can change my emotions.

I know he's name is Jasper but he's not the Jasper of 'Twilight' trust me!

"Why? I know I told your mom everything but I love you! Always have done, do, and always will!"

"Hey don't change the subject! and I know exactly where I am." Why am I calm again? I'm still mad at him. "I'll be there in,"- I checked my watch- "about fifteen minutes, ok?" mad again!

"Ok, what's with your voice? It keeps on changing from calm to pi**ed off." He's still calm.

"I dunno and I gotta go if I want to get to your house in fifteen. Oh and but the way I'm still mad at you." Started off calm but then got mad again.

When I got going again I was thinking about my sudden mood swings. Its probably cuz I like to hear jaspers voice but when I hear my own I get all mad. But I thought there was another reason, it was that I'm mad at him but I still love him.

I actually miss my mom, but I bet she wont be missing me one tiny bit. I bet you that she's having s*x with a random man that she found at the bar or club or wherever she goes. Not careing where I am, or if I found a place to crash.

OMG! I remember now that there was a smell of booze and bottles of wine on the floor and I also smelt it in breath. At the time wasn't caring enough to look around at the time.

Her boyfriend ,that she cheats on by the way, probably dumped her. Well she wlways does something to me when she gets dumped.

When my dad died when I was four or five my mom started drinking, she said 'It's to calm me down' and then when I was eight she started drinking even more and started dating, then as I said she abused me when she got dumped. So I was terrified of her and started praying to my dad, bust he didn't do anything.

I think I should call her, nah I thought. I really miss her. Should I go back and apologise to her?

I pulled over again and burst out in tears. I wanted to go back to my mom, but should I? "Urg, this is frustrating." I told my self. Putting my head in my hands and cried even more.

I couldn't get my self together for at least ten minutes.

Then a car pulled over, I heard one car door open and close and then heard foot steps coming over very slowly, I was terrified and I was shacking too terrified to look up, then noticed that the foot steps stopped and then there was a knock on the drivers door. I looked up and wiped the tears from my face, because I couldn't see who it was.


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