Chapter 3

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"Ow!" "Hey!" "Sto- Hey!" The cries of some of the Ares kids were heard as Will and the others shot at them. Of course, they didn't fall that easily. Most put up a fight but some fell. Being Ares kids the struggle was impressive. Even Will struggled slightly on pinning one of them down.

"Now! Mark!" Clarisse yelled. Will's bow turned to stone so that the arrow that was strung fell. "Up there!" Mark yelled. Clarisse broke the arrow that was pinning her down. "Got ya!" Clarisse yelled triumphantly. Will scrambled to his feet and tried to escape. But a net was sent his way and he tumbled towards the ground.

Then a wave of zombies came out of nowhere. "The flag is that way Clarisse." Nico said, his eyes closed, concentrating on the zombies. "Go, get them." Nico commanded the zombies. Clarisse followed the zombies though the glare she sent Will was clear. 'I'll get you later, punk.' The message was clear.

Will grimaced as he got up. He saw that the others were chasing Clarisse and the others. Will got up and fell back down as he saw a deep gash on his leg. "Ouch." He breathed out. He looked for a patch of sunlight.

"I guess I have to fight you now." Nico said. Will looked at him. "You won't." He said finally. "How do you know?" Nico snapped. "Because you're concentrating on the zo- hey! I told you not to raise the dead!" Will said. Will stood up and started limping over to him.

He could see beads of sweat running down Nico's face. "Back off Solace." Nico grunted out. "You're going to turn into smoke. Stop." Will said. "I said back off!" Nico yelled. A new wave of zombies rose up from the ground and created a wall to hide Nico. "You can't hide behind them forever!" Will yelled as he strayed slashing the zombies.

The zombies were quick. Not as quick as a human but quick enough to make damage. Will spit out blood as the zombies hit him in the mouth. The zombies dissapeared for a second then reappeared in front of Will. Nico was breathing heavily as he struggled to keep the undead alive.

"Nico! Stop! You're hurting yourself!" Will yelled. He prayed to the gods that Annabeth got the flag fast. Nico stumbled forward, pulling out his sword. "You're distracted enough. All we needed was a little time." Nico said as the zombies jumped on Will. "Don't kill him yet." Nico ordered. "Yet?" Will struggled to get them off.

Nico dissapeared into the woods but before Will could call out the zombies dissolved to dust and he got up. "Nico..." Will called out tentatively. He walked over to the direction Nico went. He found him sprawled on the floor and he hurried to help him up. He was panting heavily and his eyes were closed.

"I told you to stop." Will said as he helped Nico. Nico leaned against him, too weak to walk by himself. Will sighed as he pulled him along, heading to the infirmary. Percy ran to him smiling. "We won!" He said triumphantly. "What happened to Nico?" He asked as he grew nearer. "Over worked. Needs three days in the infirmary now." Will said shaking his head.

Percy frowned. "He doesn't look good." He said uncertainly. "Need any help?" Will shook his head quickly. "It's ok. I got this. Tell Annabeth her strategy was awesome." Will said carrying the now unconscious Nico to the infirmary.

Percy nodded before running off. Nico was shaking, from pain or fear, Will didn't know. He put Nico done in the bed. "This is the third time you're drinking Nectar in two days." Will said pushing the straw through his lips.


Nico woke up with dull pain in his head. He sat up and saw Will sleeping on his bed. His head in his arms. Nico felt his cheeks heat up a little. He shook his head, only earning a painful throb in his head. He pushed Will and he fell on the floor. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" He said sleepily standing up.

"Oh... you're awake." Will said looking at him. Nico nodded, wincing slightly as the action sent pain down his neck. Will sighed and glared at him sternly. "Nico, I told you not to strain yourself!" He scolded. Nico looked away slightly guilty. But when he looked up his eyes had an odd glint. "I'm going to my cabin." He said standing up.

Will stood up to but a zombie rose out of the ground and grabbed his wrists. Nico smirked and walked outside. He walked to his cabin and collapsed into bed. His energy drained, all he wanted right now was to sleep. Of course, that being what he wanted he had to be inturrupted. He didn't even bother saying anything.

He knew the door would open. And he was right. Light flooded his cabin and he groaned, pulling covers over his head.

"Go away." He said. Will chuckled and sat next to him. "I don't bother you. Just sleep." He said.

Nico looked at him tiredly. Then he turned and did as he was told. Closing his eyes and smiling to himself.

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