Reader, Smile, laugh
Reader the life you have gives you bumps but you can fight through it with a positive mind.
Smile is the most powerful expression that you can give cause you can simply cheer up someone and don't even know what kind of impact that it will have.
Laughing is what I like to call "medicine for the soul" cause it's the most contagious expression to spread joy and happiness to other people around you.
Beautiful. Reader you're beautiful. Not just because your friends nor family nor boyfriend said so, but you are because your put in this earth for a REASON. Your not a mistake!! Believe me when I say that we are put on this earth for a greater purpose more then what we think. If your a girl or a guy your beautiful even if you may have scars of emotions or on your body. You're still beautiful. Go live your life and don't let others put you down cause you don't look, talk, walk, etc in a certain way that society thinks you should. Being yourself is the way to live cause your loved my sweet reader.
PoetryThis is gonna be where I'll put poems that come in my mind. Hope you enjoy it! I'll be posting tags in this too, so ya! Have a good night or day!!