Author's Note

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This was sort of just a weird kind of dream I had one night. The Disney princesses and princes were all 14-15 years old and Wendy somehow represented "the souls" of the princess stories. I have a hard time explaining what that exactly means but it makes sense? So since she's the "soul" of the stories that means by extension she was within the princesses so she knew all the princes and liked them just as the original princesses do. So with the original princesses existing at the same time, it forms a sort of rivalry for the princes' affections. So that explains that.

Why Peter Pan comes busting through unexplained? Well it was never explained in my dream and I wanted to keep it as original to the dream as possible haha. My guess is that he knew this ball was taking place and he wanted to visit her on her special day. All the guests had arrived and the doors were closed so he tried to come in through the window? Why my dream made him so apologetic, I don't know. But he was too innocent and pure and sincere about it, it was cute. I feel he cares a lot about her so finding out he busted into her special occasion would've made him feel pretty bad.

Those are my brief thoughts and explanations. Feel free to ask any other questions about this strange dream Disney AU and I'll gladly answer what I can! Thanks for reading.

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