Conservatives, Liberals, and The Silenced Ones

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Back when George Washington was President of the United States, people respected our government and people trusted our politicians. Of course, people criticized Mr. Washington, and people criticized America; nothing has changed much, other than the fact people are pretty much ripping each other apart because we don't agree politically.

On the left, we have Liberals. I would include the Green Party, the Democrats, Socialists, Communists, and anyone else in the U.S.A who is "liberal" with his or her beliefs. Liberals generally want power and liberals want control. We often see liberals proclaiming they are right, no one else is. Often, if you do not agree with a liberal, you are shunned, put down, and bullied because of your different beliefs.

Now, moving onto the Conservatives. Here, I will include Republicans, Fascists, Nazis, members of the minor "Constitution Party", the Alt-Right, and anyone else who claims to be a Conservative. Conservatives generally want a small government with a lot of freedoms, less taxes, and many traditional beliefs. Often times, we find these to be rather racist or offensive.

Now before I go on and explained "The Acclaimed Silenced Ones", let me explain my vision here: Liberals and Conservatives are the exact same thing, just on two different sides of the political spectrum. Liberals, if you haven't noticed, have been suppressing white people and promoting, what seems to be, segregation. Conservatives often bash movements such as Black Lives Matter, AntiFa and other liberal groups for this reason. Yet, we see President Donald Trump reposting Anti-Muslim videos on Twitter and no one seems to see anything wrong with that.

I am not siding with either side. I personally think there is a third solution to that political turmoil. But why do I say that Liberals promote this, and Conservatives promote that? Because that's what our media depicts. Our media depicts Liberals as anti-white anarchists who want anarchy and power, and we also hear the same thing about Conservatives without the addition of Anarchy. To me, that is biased, and to me, that is completely disgusting.

Every side has a right to their opinion, every American should know what the Constitution says. We should all know what it says about our government, what it says about our freedoms and rights, and what our own Founding Fathers said about laws. Perhaps we could imply that in our history classes and take our unnecessary stuff such as the political bashing that I have seen in these said classes?

Wrapping this "Conservative vs. Liberal" argument up, I will say one more thing: neither side is right, but neither side is wrong. Conservatives have their beliefs, and Liberals have their own beliefs too. We have to compromise, work together, and come to solutions with compromising. As James Madison, our fourth President, once said: "Compromise, Compromise, Compromise!"

Now, with all do respect, I will discuss the "Silenced Ones". I call them "Silenced" because these people never ever get a chance to get involved in politics. Unless you're Gary Johnson who is, in my opinion, one of the most well known former Libertarian governors out there. I also will not provide favoritism to these groups either, that wouldn't be right.

In this group, I would roughly place the Libertarian Party, Independents and any other Centrist party in this group. But what do they believe? These parties believe in a variety of things, ranging from smaller governments, lower taxes, and some are just basic parties that support one major issue, the most notable, again in my opinion, being the NRA (National Rifle Association).

With all due respect, I will push those single-issue parties aside, and talk about things like the Libertarians and Independents. All of these groups have various beliefs and various reasons to run (independents are usually people without a party, but they still deserve a place here). These groups never ever get a chance to speak publicly or receive public attention, and if they do, it is very, very small. Why do you think Bernie Sanders ran as a Democrat while he is a registered Independent?

Another damning piece of evidence is the fact that Gary Johnson, in the 2016 election, had over 15% of the nation's approval. That made him eligible to participate in the Presidential debates. Let me ask you, did you see Gary Johnson at the debates? No, you didn't, you only saw President Trump and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  

The point is, we as Americans stand up strongly for Freedom of Speech, after all, it is our First Amendment. So why do we continue to censor these Silenced Ones out? They deserve, whether you, the reader, agrees or not, a chance to speak and a chance to share their beliefs to get a share of votes. Some say America is a two-party system, but many countries across the globe has Multi-Party systems.  Why don't we be fair and implement that here?

In conclusion, Conservatives and Liberals are represented equally, yet horribly, by our biased media and we continue to ignore a multi-party system by censoring out our Silenced Ones. Hopefully, for the future, we will change all of that. But for now, we must struggle with two parties and a corrupt media that worsens under a lust for power and money.  

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