05 Work

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Minhyuk kept his promise he made in the car. He hung out with Hoseok as much as possible. Minhyuk returned to work so they had to have dinner dates or wait for their days off. In other good news, Minhyuks doctor appointments proved that he was recovering well. The only downside is that he could have a little short-term memory loss here and there. He also could have a nosebleed here and there. It was quite weird the news they gave him considering none of it had happened yet, but the symptoms came on the more and more he recovered.

Hoseok drove him to the doctors but had to return to work. Minhyuk had a night shift and walked to work around 3. Minhyuk enjoyed his job, from what he could remember. Being a barista wasn't the best in the world, but he enjoyed it and the atmosphere. The cafe was a part of a relatively large bookstore. Every now and then someone would come in and make his day because of their personality or outfit. Just the little things.

Work was usual. Few customers here and there. And more people sat in the cafe as it was getting chillier outside. Two people Minhyuk was able to remember was his coworkers, Jeonghan and Kira . Kira actually worked in the bookstore part and was promoted to manager in the time he was gone, and another barista was hired whom he has yet to meet. It's only been a week, but time stops for no one.

The new worker actually started that day, but had a shift earlier than Minhyuks.

"You've been working since 8, why? That's a lot Hannie." Minhyuk said to Jeonghan. "Oh relax, I had to train the new guy. Plus I need the extra cash. Jisoo moved out and now I have to pay bills on my own." Jeonghan pouted at his last sentence. He missed Jisoo, they've known each other since high school and Jisoo moved out to move in with his lover, Seokmin. Jeonghan didn't like living alone and would probably have to find another roommate before he dies of loneliness.

"Speaking of the new guy, how is he?" Minhyuk asked curious. Jeonghan finished cleaning off the counter before he answered. "Oh he's kinda cute, and very clumsy. Well it was his first time so I'm not certain. His name's Bambam." Jeonghan ran his fingers through his hair and watched a few customers walk around. "He has a full day shift tomorrow, you working too?" Jeonghan had the day off; it was Friday and his customary day off. "Uh yeah, 8 to 4." Minhyuk responded. It wasn't exactly a full day shift, but it definitely wasn't part time.

"Well looks like you two will finally met then." Jeonghan said and turned his attention to a customer. Minhyuk finished cleaning and fulfilled the order, waiting to go home to Hoseok.

- time shift -

Minhyuk finally got home around 10, work ended at 9:45. He always wondered why a coffee shop stayed open so late, despite the bookstore being opened till midnight. 'People are just crazy.' He guessed. He walked home despite Hoseok wanting to pick him up. But it's not like he could have, Hoseok had to stay late at work for reasons unknown.

And as if fate had a bone to pick with Minhyuk, it started raining. Only a block away from home and he was soaking wet. He hoped with all his might that there wouldn't be thunder or lightening, he was dearly terrified of the two, and Hoseok wouldn't be home for god knows how long. He scrambled for his keys while walking up the stairs and finally made his way inside.

Once inside, he fed Luna and found some warm pjs and headed in the bathroom. He took a long shower and basked in the warmth. When he got out, it was still raining, and thundering too. Just his luck. He sat on the couch and played the tv loud. It wasn't that bad until a bright crack of lighting lit up the rather dim room. Minhyuk jumped from his spot on the couch and began to cry. His vision was blurry as he rocked himself back and forth on the couch. He had no one to comfort him besides Luna, but it's not like she could do much for such a small cat.

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