06 Vicarious

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Vicarious: experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.

Minhyuk always hated spending time with his parents. It's never been a pleasure for him. Ever since he was a junior in high school, his mother nagged him extremely about college and his career. One of the benefits of being in a promising, rich family. Mr. Lee was the founder and CEO of an entertainment company.

Much to Mrs.Lee's disappointment, Minhyuk didn't attend college. In fact, as soon as he turned 18, Minhyuk moved out and avoided his parents for a few months. He had a stable job at the cafe and met Hoseok along the way. The old Minhyuk would call it his best decision ever. But the Minhyuk now didn't know it yet.

After the accident, Mrs. Lee insisted that she checked on Minhyuk once a week in person. It had been a month since the accident, and today was Minhyuk's last doctor's appointment for three months. Mrs. Lee insisted on driving Minhyuk there and dragging him to meet with his father for lunch.

Minhyuk's father wasn't as bad as his mother. It was the fact that Mrs. Lee wore the pants in the relationship and had her say in everything. She always had her way, and the Lee men had to comply no matter what.

Time with his parents wasn't pleasant as always. "Minhyuk sweetheart, why don't you come live with us again? Or go to college, you know we'll pay for everything. We want to see you successful, not working at a cafe and living with someone you're not even married to. Don't even get me started on that." Mrs. Lee finished with a long sip of her wine.

Mr. Lee sat there chewing his food, looking between his family. He knew the effect his wife had on everyone else, but heaven forbids if he did anything. That'd just mean hell for everyone.

"Tell me mom, how many times have I told you about college and my career?" Minhyuk held his grip on his napkin.

"You know me and your father only want the best for you. It's a eat or be eaten world son. You know this as well. What are you going to do when you can't work at that cafe anymore? You're expected to work for your father's company, you know. At least carry our name to another generation of success." This conversation happened at least eight times in the past five years.

"And I'm sure I've told you countless times that I'm not interested in being a doctor or a lawyer, and never would I be a politician or CEO. I can't let you have control over everything in my life. You never did this to Sojung, so why only me?"

Sojung was Minhyuk's older sister, who somehow permanently escaped their mothers grasp and now lives in America. She ran away with her boyfriend, who also came from a rich family. The two disappearing had an effect on both the family's reputations in the end. Sojung wasn't a bad person, but Mrs. Lee resented her for not even meeting the littlest of her standards. She's considered 'exiled' by everyone except Minhyuk.

"Don't you ever bring her up again. You know what she did to this family. I'm glad that one of my children can respect me enough to not run away for love over a lifetime of success." Mrs. Lee angrily smiled at Minhyuk.

"Maybe she wouldn't have rebelled as you call it if you didn't continue to try and live vicariously through us. Can't we have our own lives?"

"You know your mother knows best." Was the first thing Mr. Lee had said, and it would be his last throughout the whole conversation.

"Vicariously? Such a big word for you. Are you going to make another absurd statement this time because things aren't going your way? You know last time you said you were gay and don't like women, but that was just a low blow to me right? And really with that Hoseok boy, tsk. Are you going to tell me that you love him next? You're ridiculously out of your mind Minhyuk." Minhyuk was at his last straw.

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