Week 2- Harry Style's Gang ;D

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I interviewed to many people, so another chapter x)

And it's called Harry Style's Gang because they all right Harry Fanfics. Kay? ;)


Another famous writer! @xsnowkiss 

Q.Hiya! So what shall I call you?

You can call me Yessica, though Mrs.Styles and Mrs.Horan works just as well! :D

Q.Woahh,how many times do you change picture?

So, Yessica. What inspired you to write LC&HS?

lol yeah, yeah, i'm addicted to changing my profile pic... lol

There was nothing that really inspired me to write it. I just knew I wanted to write a Harry Styles story and I just kept going through different ideas. If I'm not wrong, this idea totally came to me around midnight while I was on the verge of falling asleep. It's the weirdest thing... lol

Q.Would you ever collaborate with someone to write a fanfic?

I actually help a contest a few months ago and the winner and I decided to continue working on it around June or August when we're not so busy with our own stories. Otherwise I'm not really big on collaborations because I like ridin' solo (:

Q.*tear* Who is your biggest competition in the Harry category?

Ah, I'll have to say BooBearsCam because I absolutely love IWWAY (: Not that I mind if she wins. She definitely deserves it. It's brilliant! <3

Q.Aw, she said the same thing for you.

So..... *cough*

Do you like HARD books?


and what do you mean by HARD book? 0_0

Q.Okay, nobody gets it :') If you've read the other gossip it was mine and shexfanciesxhim personal joke. Never mind.

Who is your biggest inspiration on here?

Ha, well, I have not read the other gossip... yet...

My biggest inspiration on here is definitely forevermystic! Her writing is beautiful and the length of her chapters are insane. I'm always looking forward to reading her work. She's AMAZAYN!

Q.But you commented on it?

oh.... awk.... I remember reading BooBearsCam's interview...

Q.Yes that one! Funninest thing you've done?

Hm, funniest thing... this is hard, considering I have horrible memory... but something recent I did was put notes in my friend's locker pretending to be 'A' like in Pretty Little Liars. She kept blaming everyone and I played it so well she didn't even suspect me. In fact, I was supposed to tell her when school ended but I forgot so...she's still clueless... it was the funniest thing LOL

Q. LOL. Horrible friend. Tut tut.

iJoke iJoke.

What do you think of the 1D WATTY AWARDS?


I think the 1D Watty Awards was a BRILLIANT idea! It helps other writer get noticed. I'm actually reading some of the nominated books and they're REALLY good (: I'm a picky readers so it's actually helped me find books I enjoy <3

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