Interview with @xShe3Believes5x!

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It's been a long time since my last interview eh? 

Haha, sorry! I can't help but notice everyone's so busy these days. It's pretty weird. o.O

Anyhoo- Here's an interview with the lovely Carrisacake, author of Bandnapped and other stories! Who does like the best covers in my opinion. Aha.


1) Hallo Carrisa! So tell me,Who is your biggest competition In the One Direction Category?

Hello Micaela! (:  My biggest competition would probably be@itsbelleyoo.  She's an incredible writer, and I love her work.  And not only is she talented, but she's a brilliant person.  During the first round, she actually took the time to tell me good luck and compliment me on my message board.  So yeah, I'd say her. (x

2) Does The personality that the main characters in your fanfic have a link to your REAL personality? 

In a way, Jenner is like me, yes, but in other ways, not so much.  We both have boy troubles, and I loved incorporating that into the story with her.  Plus I love those watermelon Arizona's too (:  She's pretty good at keeping secrets, though, and when it's something as big as kidnapping One Direction, I wouldn't be able to do it.  I'd have told them the first day they were sober.

3) Pepsi or coke? And why.

 Coke.  No idea why.  My study hall did a taste test last year; we tasted Pepsi, and then we tasted Coke, back to back.  I liked Coke better.

4) Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how weird you are.

 I'm going to have to go with maybe 8.5, but MY weird probably isn't the same 'weird' you're thinking of.  I consider myself weird because I do not fit in with like.. anyone around where I live.  My music taste, my fashion sense, my hobbies, my goals.  And I guess you consider it a bit odd that I will literally laugh at anything and everything.  I find stupid things funny, so of course I say stupid things. *sigh*

5) What is the last book you read?

 The last book I read was Matched by Ally Condie, but I'm currently reading Crossed, which would be it's sequel.

6) Who are your fav authors on wattpad?

My favorite authors on Wattpad..  Definitely xSnowKiss, XxSkater2Girl16xX, Rachasaur, Fallzswimmer, musicrazi, ToastedBagels, LDCrichtion, JustaRegularGuy, and DyingToShoutOut.  I also enjoy work by a_colorful_dreamer and AubreyEatsHearts.

7) What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

 In my feridgerator.. refridgefaterator...fridge, (me: muah haha xD), you'd proobably find a lot of stuff for salads, weird protein shakes, and other healthy things. My dad is, unfortunately for me, dieting.

8) If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

 I think I'd want to have like an amazing memory -- never forget anything.  And I'd want to be invisible on demand :O  Oh, and I want to fly!

9) What type of people annoy you on wattpad?

 This is a difficult question to answer, because very few people annoy me.  But I know that I hate when someone starts a chat with me, and the conversation consists of this: 

them: "hey" 

me: "hi!" 

them: "what's up"

me: "writing, you??"

them: "nothin"

me: ....

Seriously, I cannot keep a conversation with you if you don't put any effort into it.  Other than that, though, I can't think of anything. 

10) Any last words?

First, I'd like to thank everyone who got me as far as they did in the 1D Watty Awards!  The experience was incredible, and I will never be able to show you all how much it really meant to me.  Secondly, I owe a special thanks to@JustaRegularGuy -- my lovely husband, Levi -- who convinced me to submit Bandnapped in the first place.  We decided to do it together; he'd submit The Cover Girl, I'd do Bandnapped.  So, THANK YOU LEVI <3

And thirdly, I'd just like to tell everyone to never give up.  No matter what.  Don't give up writing, don't give up trying, don't give up caring.  Love what you do, and others will love it too. (:  That is all. xx

Haha, I love how Levi and her are so close! But for the record, I still think my Jack is better than yours Carrissa. ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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