chapter 4- the call

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Lucy's POV

I got in the bathroom to take my shower. And get ready for the day so I took of my clothes. And then got in the shower. When I was in the shower I was thinking about last night. I wondered if he would ever call me or talk to me again.
I figured he probably would not because to him it was. Just a one night thing that ended with stupid Emily. Messing it up so he is probly not going to call me. After being in the shower for like 15 minutes I finally got out.

When I got out of the shower I walked over to the sink. As I started to brush my teeth my phone rang. The contact name read unknown number. So I answered the phone hopeing it was him. When I picked it up a voice said "hello is this Lucy" i quickly answered with a
"Yes yes this is Lucy is this Louis
" it is he said "
I then said good I did not think you would call me.
"Why did you think I would not call you"
"Because after what Emily did last night"
"Oh don't worry about that love it has nothing to do with us"
"Is there a main reason why you called me"
"There actually is I was wondering if you would like to go outwith me" he asked with excitement.
"Of course I will go out with you" I Practitcly screamed through the phone.
"Ok I will be at your house tonight to pick you up at 7:30"
"Ok Louis I will talk to you later bye"
"Bye love talk to you later"
I can not believe he actually called me and wants to go on a actually date. With me I think I all ready love him and we have not even been on a date yet. I finished brushing my teeth by the sink. After I finished brushing my teeth I was about to get dressed. I went in my room to my closet to find something to wear.
Since the date was not till 7:30 I decided to put something comfortable on. So I slipped on a big t shirt and then put on some gray sweatpants. After I got dressed I went In the living room to watch tv. So I turned on the TV but there was nothing good on. So I decided I would go fix me some food. I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.
I decided I would make bacon,eggs, Sasauge, and pancakes. I figured I would invite Emily over to eat breakfast with me. So I left the kitchen to go call emily. She did not answer the phone so I figured. That she was still asleep.
Or she just did not want to talk to me both would make since. When I got done making breakfast I heard a knock at the door. In my head I guessed it was emily but when I opened the door. It was not Emily it was Louis I asked him what he was doing here.
"I just wanted to see your cute beautiful face" he told me when he said that I started to blush. I could fill my face turning red.
"Aww you look so cute in your little sweatpants" he told me while looking at me up and down.
"Thanks" I said while looking at the ground.
"Yummy what do I smell"
"That's my breakfast would you like to eat with me"
"Of course Louis is always down for food"
I just love Louis I love ever thing about him. His hair,eyes,teeth,smile, and he is sweet, funny, and cute. Well he is not just cute he is hot as well.
When we got done eating Louis stayed for a few minutes.
"Well I guess I will go now love see you tonight at 7:30"
" Yep see you to night Louis"
Before he got off the couch he put his arms around my waist. As I put my arms on his neck. Then we started to kiss like last night. But before it went to far he stopped kissing me and he said " Don't worry love we will continue this tonight"
"Ok tonight we will " I said as he walked out the door.

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