chapter 10- the fight

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Louis POV

I was laying in bed with Lucy in my arms I had my arms wrapped around her so tight. As she still layed there asleep she then began to turn over to face me. She was still asleep when she turned around as she put her head on my chest. I just looked down at her with a big smile on my face as she began to wake up. When she woke up Lucy just started to look at me as a huge smile grow on her face. I then started to push her hair behind her ears. As I leaned in to kiss her we then began to kiss we then stopped kissing. And we then out of the bed to go down stairs with ever body else. But before we started to walk down the steps I picked Lucy up and wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Lucy I just love you so so much you are my hole world" I told her. As I told her that she then began to blush and smile.
"I love you to Louis so so much and you are my hole world" she said back to me with a smile. I then kissed her on her forehead as I put her down on the floor. I then garbed he hand as we intertwined are fingers together we began to walk down stairs.

Lucy's POV

When me and Louis got down stairs I saw Emily, Harry, and Niall. Then I saw some boy I had never even seen before. When we walked into the kitchen with ever body else they all just looked at me and Louis. I was really confused why they were just looking at us.
Then they all said aww y'all are such a cute couple you go so good together. Well everyone except for Niall he just looked at us with a sad face. I mean if he was sad about losing me he shouldn't of cheated on me. I then felt Louis put his arm around my waist and pull me in close to him. He then began to kiss me until I heard everone say aww look how cute. Me and Louis then pulled away from the kiss. As we looked into each other's eyes and started to laugh at all of them saying aww at us.
"Hey love I am going to go take a shower I will be back in a bit ok" Louis said to me.
"Ok I be right here when you get back" I told him. Then as soon as Louis went up stairs Niall garbed my arm and pulled me to a different room.
"What and the hell are you doing Niall" I asked him as he pinned me up against the wall.
"Listen Lucy I am sorry I still love you" Niall said to me.
"Well guess what I don't love you and maybe you should of thought of that before you cheated on me" I yelled at him.
Niall then began to try and kiss me as I tried to get out of his grip. He had his finger's Intrerwind with mine as he pined me up against the wall. I keep telling him to stop and get away from me. As I told him that I also called for louis it was only a minute till Niall was on the ground. Louis had punched him I the side of the head but before Louis could grab me. Niall quickly sat up and punched Louis in the stomach. Then Louis quickly threw Niall on the ground and started to punch him in the face. After Niall was out cold Louis ran over to me and wrapped his arm around me. And pulled me in close to him I then began to cry into Louis chest.
"Are you ok love I should not of left you down here with him" he asked.
"Yes Louis I am fine" I told him as he keep holding me. Then Harry,Emily, and that other boy that I had not met but I figured it was Liam walked in. When they walked into the room they just looked at Niall and back at me and Louis. They saw that Niall had a very bloody face while Louis hand was Coved in blood.
"What in the heck happened here" Harry asked us we did not answer. Louis just continued to hold me close to him and rock me back and fourth. Louis then got up and then picked me up in his arms as I continued to cry. Louis then took me into the living room and sat down and put me in his lap. I then turned to face him and wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head into his chest.
"What the hell happened" Harry asked Louis once more"
"Fucking Niall pined her to the wall and would not let her go while he was trying to kiss her" Louis yelled at Harry.
I then just began to cry even more into Louis chest as he just keep rocking me back and forth.
"Hey babe do you want to go now" Louis asked me in a soft quiet voice.
I just lifted my head up and nodded as he wiped the tears off my face. Louis then told Emily let's go then Emily said that she was going to stay here. After she said that me and Louis just got up and left Nialls house.

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