chapter 22- i do

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10 months

Lucy's POV

Today is the biggest day of my life I can't wait. I still can't believe that today I am getting married. But I am not getting married to anyone but to the love of my life.
"Hey babe what time are you going to Emily's to get ready for the wedding" Louis yelled from the bathroom.
"Um about 11:00 why"
" I was just wondering because the boys are coming over here" Louis shooted back. As I was getting all of my things ready to go to emilys. Louis walked up behind me and pulled me backwards.
"Can you believe in just a couple of hours you will be my wife" Louis asked me while smileing.
"I know I can't wait Louis"
"I love you so much"
"I love you to Lou" we then started to kiss. Until we heard a knock on the door so I went down stairs to open it. When I opened the door I had forgot that I was in my underwear and bra. And it was Harry Louis friend Louis then walked up behind me. He then picked me up and moved me out of the way.
"What are you doing here Harry" Louis asked him.
"Well I figured I would come early" Harry told Louis while watching me run up the stairs.
"Harry quite watching her" I heard Louis say while punching Harry's arm. Louis then invited Harry into the house. I then came back down stairs but this time with clothes on. I then went into the kitchen then Louis came in the kitchen. He then picked me up and sat me down on the counter. He then started to kiss me as he ran his hand up my leg.
"Um Louis" we heard Harry say we then stopped kissing. Me and Louis had forgotten that Harry was in the house.
"Um ok Louis I guess I better get going" I said I then pecked Louis lips with a kiss. I then jumped off of the counter and went out the door. It took me like 10 minutes to get to Emily's house. When I got there Niall was getting in the car to go to me and Louis house. I then went into there house to see Emily and my other friends. Everybody was all ready there emily, and my other friends.
"Omg Lucy I have not seen you in forever" my friend Chloe said. Then ever one huged me and told me how proud they were. That I was getting married Emily then walked up to me. She quickly sat me down in a chair and started fixing my hair.
"What do you want to do to your hair Lucy" Emily asked me.
"Can you just curl it for me" I asked her as she got the curling wand. As Emily was doing my hair my other friend Mackenzie. Was doing my makeup it took them like a hour. After they finished me all of my friends got ready.
"Come on Lucy go put on your dress" they screamed at me.
"Ok ok just calm down" I said while going to put it on. I then put it on it was Strapplesss puffy at the bottom and had jewels all over it. It also went all the way down to the floor I then went to show them. When I walked out they all just stood there in shock.
"Omg Lucy you look absolutely beautiful" all of my friends said.
"Do you remember when we were kids and we talked about. How and where we wanted to get married" Emily said as she started to cry.
"Yes I do Emily I now I am getting married" I told her as I started to cry.
"Come on guys the wedding starts in 30 minutes" my friend screamed. She then grabbed my shoes and put them on my feet. I then put my Vale and we went to the wedding place to get married. Once we got to the place my friends pulled me out of the car. When we walked in everone was in there spots. My dad then grabbed my arm as we got ready to walk down the aile. Then all of the other people finished walking in. My dad then looked at me with the biggest smile as we walked in the doors.

Louis POV

She then walked through the doors I then started to cry. As she was walking she looked at me with the biggest smile as she started to cry. Lucy just looked absolutely beautiful in her dress.

Lucy's POV

Once I reached Louis I just started to cry even more. Louis then took his hand and whipped the tears off my face. After the man finished saying what he need to say he told me and Louis to say are vales.
"Lucy I have known you for 2 in a half years. You are my hole world and I love you so much. I don't know what I would do with out you. Because I want to be with you for the rest of my life I just love you so much". Louis said as he keep crying.
" Louis you are ever thing to me my hole world. I don't know what I would do with out you in my life. I want to have a family with you grow old with you. Do ever thing with you I love you so freaking much louis". I told him as I cried even more.
"Lucy medlin do you take this man to love and to hold in sickness and in health til the day you die" the man said.
"I do" I said while Louis put the ring on my finger.
"Louis Tomlinson do you take this woman to love and to hold in sickness and in health til the day you die" the man then asked Louis.
"I do" Louis said as I put his ring on his finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the man said. Louis then put his hands on my cheeks as he started to kiss me. We then pulled away from the kiss to face the crowd. Me and Louis then joined hands and throw them up in the air. After that we went and ate and danced and all that. It was like 3 hours before the wedding ended. Once it ended me and Louis got in a car and we went back to the house.

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