chapter 26- pain

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6 months later

Lucy's POV

I have been pregnant for 6 months now. And sometimes it is really fun because. Louis will come up behind me and put his arms around my stomach. And he just always does these really cute things. We are still living with Emily and Niall. Which has not been that bad so far. I am actually going to the doctor today. To get a outrage scan to find out what the baby is. I am going by my self because Louis has. Something that he has to do and I don't want Emily to come with me. So I just decided that I would go bye my self. So I then went down stairs and got in the car to go. It took me way to long to get over there. Once I got there they took me straight back. The doctor then started doing the outrage scan.
"Um mrs Tomlinson I got some bad news" the doctor said.
"What is it is something wrong" I asked him scared.
"Your baby does not have a heart beat it is dead" as soon as the doctor said that. Tears started to roll down my face. I did not even say anything I just got up and left. When I got in the car I just keep crying all the way home. Once I got home I went in the house and slammed the door behind me. I then throw my pocketbook all the way across the house. As I stormed over to the couch and sat down I put my knees up to my face. Louis then came out of the kitchen and sat down next to me.
"Love what is wrong" Louis asked me.
"Are fucking baby is dead Louis dead never to be fucking born" i yelled at the top of my lungs. I then quickly put my face in Louis chests as he held onto me. Me and Louis then both just sat there crying are eyes out. Emily and Niall then came home to see us.
"What wrong" Emily and Niall asked us.
"Our baby's fucking dead" I yelled while crying so much. They then came and sat down near us. After a while of crying I fell asleep I had cried my self to sleep.

Louis POV

"Hey guys I am going to go to bed" I told Niall and Emily I was still crying.
I then picked Lucy up and took her up stairs to our room. After i sat her down on the bed I got in bed. As soon as I sat down Lucy woke up.
"Louis can you hold me please" she asked me in a weak voice.
"Of course I can love" I said while whipping my eyes. Lucy then turned so her face was in my chest. I then put my arms around her waist and held her close to me. I think we both pretty much cried are self's to sleep.

5 days later

Lucy's POV

It has been 5 days since we found out the baby died. Me and Louis have literally stayed in our room. For the past 5 days we have cried like ever day. Before Louis got up I went into the bathroom. I thought to my self there is no need to live any more. So I opened the bathroom cabinet and took out a blade. I then took the blade and cut my wrists. After I realized what I did I fell to the floor and started crying.

Louis POV

I had been woken up to the sound of Lucy crying. But I did not know where she was at until I heard. Her crying from the barroom I then opened the door. When I opened the door she was in the floor with a blade and blood ever where
"Lucy what the hell did you do this for" I Scremmed as I picked her up. off the floor.
"I figured there was no other reason to live" she told me I then ran down the steeps. I then took her in the kitchen and sat her down on the bar.
"What the hell happened" Emily asked from behind us.
"She tried to kill her self" I told them as I was Stiching Lucy wrist up. Luckily she did not cut deep Enough to do much damage. I then picked her up and took her to the livingroom. Since no body but Emily and Niall were here. I took her blood shirt and shorts off of her.
"Lucy why did you do that" I asked her I a sweat voice.
"I don't know Louis there is just no point of even living any more" she told me as she began to cry more.
"Lucy don't ever do that again you don't need to do that. You got lucky I was here this time. But if younever do it again I might not be here. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you to . So promise me you wont ever think or try to kill yourself again" I told her while crying.
"I promise Louis I won't" she told me I then picked her up. And took her to our room to get some clothes on.
"Louis can I ware one of you big sweatshirt" Lucy asked me when we got in our room.
"Of course you can love" I told her as I sat her down on the bed.

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