Chapter 20: Assault on Sector Nine

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The streets of Richport City were silent on this particular night. There wasn't any screaming or sounds of someone being attacked by soldiers. There was nothing but quiet throughout the city.

Damien and Morgan ripped through the streets in a race to make it to Sector Nine. Everywhere they saw soldiers they took them down, clearing the way for the rest of the team to follow through behind them. Fire and ice engulfed the downtown area, lighting up the night. Behind them, the rest of the team followed. As Christian drove the truck, everyone took time to check their weapons and armor. Even Cyris, in his old age, geared up for battle.

Damien called on the radio.

"We're approaching the building," Damien announced. "We'll clear the entrance and you guys will follow our lead. Prepare to deploy in five."

"Copy that," Christian answered. He, then, looked back to everyone. "Alright, get ready to move. Damien and Morgan are clearing a path. Then, we can get to work."

"Everyone, we stick to plan," Diamond commanded. "No casualties. Everyone comes back alive. Stay on comms at all times. We just might make it through this. For now, we wait for the signal to move in."

The team sat in the truck waiting patiently. They could hear the commotion going on outside as they awaited the signal when suddenly... BOOM! A massive explosion rocked the building outside and shook the entire area.

"That was the signal everybody," Diamond said. "Let's move out!"

Nadia was the first to jump out followed by Christian. Just as Diamond was about to follow, Cyris grabbed her by the arm.

"Diamond, wait," he said. "There's something you need to know."

"Can it wait until later," Diamond asked.

"I'm afraid we we may not get the chance later."

"What is it?"

Cyris took a deep breath and began to speak amidst the chaos.

"While you were in the clinic, I had a look at your test results," he began.


Tears ran down Cyris' face. "Your DNA results. I've seen them before. They were too familiar."

Diamond looked confused. "Cyris, what are you saying?"

"Diamond, I'm saying that you're..."

Just as Cyris was finishing his statement, a huge missile headed directly towards them. Just before it hit the truck, Cyris jumped out and shielded Diamond from the wreckage.

"Are you alright?" he shouted. "Diamond, are you alright?!"

"I'm fine," she answered as she looked around at the carnage that ensued. "Come on. We need to move."

With that, Diamond and Cyris gathered themselves together and ran through a gauntlet of soldiers. Up ahead, Nadia meticulously cleared a path for Christian to get through to the building, taking the army down one soldier at a time.

Christian followed close behind her I an effort to not get injured in the battle. That strategy didn't last long, however. Just as they got close to three-hundred yards from the door, a soldier surprised them and grabbed Christian from behind.

"Nadia!" Christian yelled out as the soldier held the gun to Christian's head.

Nadia stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, still wielding her bo staff and ready to charge.

"Lay down your weapon," the soldier commanded, "or the computer boy dies."

The crowd froze in their tracks as the three of them came to a standoff. Noticing what was going on, Diamond and Cyris attempted to run toward them only to be cut off by a group of Nightstalkers.

Days of Darkness: Winter's Rage (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now