Chapter 21: Lockdown... Early Release???

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Time went by slowly as the team sat locked away in a cell. The halls were dark and quiet with not a soul in sight but the guard placed at the entrance. Christian sat on the floor in the corner of the cell, while Diamond and Nadia sat on the bench. Cyris stood vigil at the cell gate silent.

The only thing that was on their mind was escape and finding a way out of the building. More importantly, though, was how to get back to Damien and Morgan. All of that seemed near impossible at that point, however. None of them had any type of special abilities to fall back on. No, it would take a meeting of the minds to pull through.

Nadia got up from the bench and stared out of the window of the cell and took a moment to admire the thunderstorm. Overwhelmed with emotion, she gave way to tears. Diamond walked over and tested her hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but the thought of not knowing Damien's fate was too much for her to bear.

"Does anyone see a way out yet?" Nadia asked.

"They took my gear," Christian answered, "Otherwise, I'd be able to hack our way out of here."

Nadia grew frustrated. "They're somewhere in this God-forsaken building doing who knows what to my husband and we're trapped in here! Not to mention, it looks like Morgan is back under their control."

Cyris sat in deep thought.

"What's on your mind, old man?" Christian inquired.

"One last card I've been holding," Cyris said.

He then pulled off the heel of his boot. Underneath lied and intricacy of wires all attached to a small red button.

"What is that?" Diamond said.

"A short-range EMP," he replied. "I always have it on me for emergencies."

Nadia quickly spoke up. "Right now, I'd say that this is an emergency, Cyris."

"I agree," Christian chimed in, "but the timing of it has to be perfect. We can't afford to make a mistake on this. I don't know about you two ladies, but I, for one, can't wait to get back to our Earth. This one sucks."

"Yeah, no kidding," Diamond said. "Sorry, Cyris. No offense."

"None taken," he said. "In fact, I couldn't agree with you more. Which is why we need a plan to get out of here. I have a bad feeling that whatever our host has planned, tonight is the night for it."

"Why do you say that?" Nadia asked.

"Have you ever seen anything good happen in a storm this bad?" Cyris put the heel back on his boot and began pacing the cell. "Everything is pointing to a climax in the near future. We don't need to be caught in it."

Christian looked over to Diamond. "Honey, can you see my gear out there?"

Diamond walked over to the door and searched the room through the bars as best as she could. "I see it," and to her surprise, "Your bag is directly across from this cell. It's on the table right here."

She stepped back from the cell door as one of the guards walked over to their vicinity. He watched the team like a hawk to ensure that they didn't try anything. A few minutes later he received a call on the radio, prompting him to leave. This was the moment they were waiting for.

"Ok," Diamond said. "If we're gonna move, we need to do it now."

"I second that," agreed Christian.

But Cyris didn't get up.

"What are you waiting for?" Diamond asked him.

He let out a deep sigh. "It's something that's been weighing on my mind heavily since I met you all. And something that came up before we left the base confirmed it. I didn't have time to say it earlier, but I feel like if I don't say it now, then I won't get the chance to... ever."

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