×2× self esteem

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"What shall I do with you clutsy"?

This man was so strikingly handsome, I hadn't even noticed he asked me a question .

"Hello "?he said while arching an eyebrow

I-im sorry what"?

He bring his large fist to his nose as if thinking of something he couldn't remember . then he slid his chair back , bent down and opened a drawer that I could not see. When he came back up he had a yellow manilla folder and began to go through it.

... Silence was all I heard for about 2 minutes while he made faces children make when you tell them something they never knew. With all this silence I was about to just get up and leave this building with these snobby people and even snobbier boss.

"Well , Clutsy hag-indar-"

"Its ha-gin-dar" I said while rolling my eyes at his obvious terminology .

"Do I sense attitude , or did you not disrupt my entertainment"?

"This is a work place ." I say lamely as if he couldn't understand

Huh, your right. But guess what I'm the boss ,And how would you like your picture to be on the front cover of a news paper saying "employee in training caught spying on her boss to steal information".?

"I wasn't looking to steal information !"I said this with venom in my tone. He had no right to treat me like this.

"Who are they going to believe "? His face so devious it looked like blackmail.

I sat in silence contemplating on what to do next but I never thought of anything good. except for ripping my clothes and running out of his office screaming rape , but that wouldn't work . then there was seducing him but never will I ever do such a thing. I hadn't noticed when he started talking after staring at the folder again.

"-ill keep you as a worker under that one condition , ok?"

Ugh what do I do , what do I do I quickly rake my brain for an answer but the word rushes out before I can even think.


He closes the folder and gives me a tag .I quickly take it so that I can hurry up and move from his watchful eyes making me self conscious. I give a thanks and leave but not before he stops me and says

"By the way this isn't going to be like those cliche books where the rich guy falls for the girl , your not my type in the least of ways so next time don't rush .. You forgot your purse."

My face paled at this I've never been so embarrassed and felt so unattractive I walked over to the paten leather arm chair once again feeling queasy at the stomach but this time its because I had the confidence ripped from inside me . I'll be honest that hurt a little actually no , ALOT. I grabbed my bag and walked , more like shuffled with the way I was feeling right now and again he stopped and called me .


I slowly turned making sure my hair fell closer to the front of my face

"Take the rest of the day off and tomorrow ... Knock before you walk into my office." He said while tapping away on his phone only to stop and look up at me when I didn't leave and stood there gazing at his chocolate brown eyes looking for any kind of regret . there was none. So I left ,and began walking towards my oversized cubicle to find a dunk in donuts bag on my desk with words on it in pig latin

Miay orrysay orfay endingsay ouyay niay heretay .
(Im sorry for sending you in there).

At the bottom sat a little smile and this made me smile, that someone actually cared about my feelings . I grabbed the bag to feel no type of weight and opened it to find a note . "got hungry so I ate the donut but you can buy yourself three dozen more ".-bruce
Then under the note lay a 20$ bill . I chuckled a bit and actually followed his advise as I left I put sticky note on his computer screen as I saw Mr.Mills leaving his office in a rush . so I quickly ran into a crowded elevators as to not get stuck in one with him. As we got off the elevator I saw Mills walk over to a blonde girl with shades and a leather jacket on ,if I wasn't mistaken she was the same girl as before . I shook my head at this. "So immature " I whispered to myself as I checked out at the front desk.

When I got outside I quickly found my car so I could go home and take a nap after this shitty excuse of a day . I mean I embarrassed my self Twice then lost all self esteem . at least I can eat my worry's away like Bruce suggested.
I lean my head against my steering wheel just when a knock on the window makes me sit up and guess who it was ?

"Clutsy there's no fraternizing with other workers its unprofessional ".


"What did you say ?"

Forgot it . but I really have to go my confidence is waiting for me " I lied as I put on yet another fake smile. Just kidding I wish I could say that instead I left it at 'forgot it' and was on my way home.
Home, home!

I quickly picked up my phone while speeding past a red light to check my notifications . oh my gosh ten missed calls?! I quickly called my roomie and asked what happened all she replied with was "you better get down here as soon as you can".


$ooo short ¢hapter but it needed to be and you'll see why next time .

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Question ~ will I be posting different P.O.V's ?

Answer~ ¥€S or ΠO


•Π×∆ J€W€L ∆×Π•

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