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I've been working here for about a week now. This job is draining me of all my good energy.

I can't say it's everyone, That would be a lie.

Typing away on my computer I finished up the documents that needed to be read over. What ever was on these had to be important, Mills gave them to me and said. "If you lose these I'll have your head".

I heard the all toefamiliar now elevator ding. To see a big guy in a
Navy blue suit walk. He was as intimidating as mills, and just as handsome in his own way.

his dark hair was in a man bun with faded sides,and a goatee. His eyes looked green from where I was but that could just be the lighting. He was obviously muscular could by the way his shoulders flexed while he walked.he even had earnings.

I'll admit he looked cool, Too cool for business anyway. I wonder what his business is here. Could it have something to do with these documents I'm working on?

He continued to walk past cubicles with one hand in his pocket and the other ran through the his beard.if I didn't know any better I'd say he looked like 'Thor the god of Thunder'.

All the women stared at this unfamiliar face in awe. How desperate can they be? I rolled my eyes at the thought of myself focusing on his appearance for as long as I did.
Of course he was a handsome man, but it's not that serious.

I snapped out of my daze when (++) peeked over my cubical wall and leaned on one arm while fanning his self dramatically.

"If only." He sighed out while watching him walk into Mr.Mills office.

"Oh please not you too..." I rolled my eyes again.

"Hon-ey. Did you see that bun? That's the bun of power."
He said in a matter of fact tone.

"He doesn't look very professional to me. Maybe powerful, but not professional." I replied lamely as I played with the sticky note pad on my desk.

" Oh boo hoo, you always so serious, you've gotta live a little girl! Go out to a club or something, break the rules get a date or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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