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"Come on..kiss me baby (jimin smirk)

"No..(saeyun smile)

Click! Jimin off the lights.

"Oppa! Slowly! Not so fast ah ah! (Saeyun moan)

"Sorry..i make it slowly ok (jimin said)

"Jimin..i want to c- (saeyun been cut)

" too! (Jimin said)

In the morning..

Knock knock..

Saeyun woke up and walk slowly because jimin fuck saeyun really hard last night. Saeyun wears back her bathrobe.

Saeyun opens the door and saw ahjusshi midae.

"Hmm? Ahjusshi? What are you doing here? (Saeyun said)

"Its 10 o'clock now get dress. I will you guys for breakfast. I know you guys are on a honeymoon and you did the activity (midae smirk)

"Stop it Ahjusshi. You making me blush (saeyun said)

" just kidding around. So get dress ok (midae said)

"Ok..bye ahjusshi (saeyun close the door)

Saeyun walk towards the bed and lying ontop jimin who was still sleeping.

"Oppa..ireona.. ireona~ (saeyun playing with jimin's hair)

"No..move away chagi..(jimin push saeyun's finger)

"Fine..(saeyun sad)

Saeyun go and shower. Jimin smile looking at saeyun cuteness.

After they dress up midae drives them all around paris..

" hungry (saeyun saeyun said)

"If we reach the restaurant you can ok. Stop whining like a baby..(jimin said)

"A pregnant woman always whining about food , sick and everything but you still have to take care of her. She have to carry a baby in the tummy. So its hard for her to move anywhere (midae said)

"Yeah!!..i vote for you Ahjusshi. Ahjusshi wins the MAMA Awards for being sweet to a woman!! Listen jimin. Its really hard to move because this baby is in my tummy (saeyun said)

"Pregnant womans like to cry and whine alot but you still have be patience. Jimin just go with it ok (midae said)

Saeyun wink at jimin.

"Ok..i lose (jimin smile)

At the restaurant..

"Burp..(saeyun burp)

"Ew..saeyun. stop it. Everyone is staring (jimin said)

"So? A girls gonna do what a girls gonna do! (Saeyun smile)

"Lets go..(jimin pull saeyun out)

"Ok (saeyun said)

Jimin and saeyun walk towards midae's car.

"Oh..Ahjussi midae haven't eat anything. Its a good thing a buy him something from the restaurant (saeyun said)

" gives the food to midae)

" don't have to saeyun. I have eaten in the morning. I eat bread and..nevermind. i can't take this (midae refuse)

"Bread with what midae? (Jimin said)

"Bread with coffee. So nevermind (midae said)

"Ahjusshi..just take it. We really wanted to give to you (jimin smile)

"Yeah..just take it (saeyun smile)

"Ok ok fine..i take it. Happy? (Midae smile)

"Yupp..very happy hehe (  saeyun giggle)

In the car..

"Oppa.. (saeyun said)

"What? (Jimin said)

"Im hungry (saeyun smile)

"But you just eat 10 minutes ago (jimin said)

"Im hungry again. If the baby wants food i want it too (saeyun said)

"Fine..ahjusshi is there any food store around here? Saeyun is hungry again like an elephant (jimin said)

"Yah! What did you call me ? (Saeyun glare at jimin)

"Nothing hehe (jimin giggle)

"700 meters more (midae said)

"Ok (jimin said)


"Wah!! They have everything!! Even candies!! (Saeyun excited)

"What are you doing? Don't jump like a Pou. *a game* (jimin said)

"Of so happy (saeyun smile)

"Come..take anything you want (jimin said)

"Ok oppa (saeyun evil smile)

Jimin feels weird with saeyun's smile.

At the counter..

"7 strawberry cakes , 5 cheese cake , 4 Kookie (😎) and 8 lollipop. The price is 350 dollars (the counter said)

Jimin shock..

"Kookie!? Thats my friends nickname! Why do you bake him? Whatever. I'll just pay the price (jimin said)

Saeyun thinks that jimin is shock because she take to many cakes but jimin is shock about kookie his friend is been baked😂 jk jk.

"Thank you. Come again (the counter smile)

"Im not coming back. Because you bake my kookie (jimin said)

"Where back ahjusshi! (Saeyun runs towards midae's car)

"My goodness. How many did you bought saeyun? (Midae shock)

"I don't know but the price is 350 dollars. I don't know how many did she bought (jimin said)

"I bought it for the baby as well ok. (Saeyun said)

"Hmm of course (jimin roll his eyes)

"So when are we gonna go next? (Saeyun said)

"Hmm how about the mall? You guys can buy baby's stuff (midae said)

"Yeah. Thats a good idea. But we have alot of baby clothes at home. We think that our first baby will be alive but- (saeyun been cut)

"Mianhae..mianhae..i didn't know your first baby is dead..mianhae..(midae said)

"Its ok ahjusshi (saeyun said)

Jimin just quite because he felt guilty about it. Thats are all his problem.

In the hotel room..

The time is really passing by very fast. Another 3 more days they will be here and go back to korea.

Saeyun sits on the bed while eating her muffin. Suddenly her eyes started to shut because of tired wonder around paris.

Saeyun close her eyes and sleep while she's still holding her muffin. Jimin came out from the bathroom and saw saeyun sleeping. Jimin smile. Saeyun looks like a little kid.

" are not gonna shower? (Jimin said)

Jimin took out saeyun's pajamas from her laugage. Jimin wants to change saeyun clothes.

Jimin unbotton saeyun's clothes. Jimin kiss saeyun's chest. Aftet jimin put the shirt on saeyun his eyes goes down to her pants next.

Jimin unzip saeyun's jeans. Jimin saw saeyun's pink underwear. Jimin is melting. Jimin puts on saeyun's pants.

Jimin felt night was a hot night.

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