Chapter 9

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I walked out of the lab with Ripley behind me. I know she would ask questions later, but I don't really care. When we walked out of the lab Ripley borrowed one of the crew's flamethrowers and started to burn the whole lab down. Once she was finished Johner spoke up,

"What a waste of ammo."

I spoke up,

"The xenomorphs would have been to fast for that flamethrower anyway."

He gave me a puzzled look,and I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey what happened to your head?" Christie asked

"During my fight with the xenomorphs one of them slammed me into the wall and I collided with it head first."

"Damn." Replied Johner

We kept walking when we came across one of the crew's cargo container. We entered and the sight was horrid. Bodies were dismembered and guts were everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a mans body that was still intact. Once I was in range the male jumped up and tried to attack me. Stephano grabbed him and stopped him from attacking me.

"T-They attacked everyone, killed everyone! H-How did I-I even get here?!" The man said panicked

"I was suppose to be heading to a colony!!" He cried

Johner suddenly spoke up,

"Well we attacked your ship and now your here."

"W-What? No you have to take me there now!" The man replied

Suddenly I smelled a familiar smell but it was coming from the man. I looked at Ripley and she nodded signaling she smelled it to. We walked closer to the man and smelled his neck and sure enough had one in him.

"Whats your name?" I asked

"Larry. Larry Purvis."

"Well Larry you can't go back you have one of them in you." I responded

"What do you mean?"

"A chestburster-one of the aliens must have got to you in your hyper sleep. It might come out in a few hours." Ripley stated

"Well if we get to the ship fast enough there is a surgical station on it. Perhaps we could remove it before it comes out." Stephano suggested

"Perhaps." Ripley said deep in thought

Suddenly I heard something with my enhanced hearing. I activated my infrared and saw Zemira and Mira with at least 5 xenomorphs in tow about 100 feet away from us.

"Make your decision now. Their coming." I said panicking as I turned off my infrared

"Ok Larry your coming with us ok?" Ripley said

Larry just nodded. We walked to one of the hallways with one of those doors that looked like it popped out of star wars. It looked like a blast door that Han Solo made it through. We were almost to the door when a xenomorph jumped in front of me almost landing on Sabra. I pushed her out of the way and the xenomorph separated me from the group.

"Excuse me but my friends and I have somewhere to be." I stated

He just hissed loudly probably alerting Zemira and Mira. I looked around the xenomorph and mouthed 'Get the door started'. Ripley understood as she began to work on the door trying to get it closed. Meanwhile I grabbed the xenomorph by the arm and slammed it on the ground behind me. I heard multiple hisses and I looked behind me. Sure enough the two errand girls were there with their little army.

"Ok I'm getting a little pissed at this." I said as I grabbed the xenomorph from before by its throat.

"Now just leave my friends and I alone." I continued

Zemira shook her head. The xenomorph kept trying to get out of my grip. I sighed,

"So be it."

I crushed the xenomorph's neck killing it instantly. I threw the body at the Zemira.

"Ripley hows the door coming along?" I asked impatiently as the xenomorphs charged me

" I need a minute!" She replied

I fought off the xenomorphs while everyone was getting on the opposite side of the door. I had killed at least 3 xenomorphs so that leaves only two left other than Zemira and Mira. The two remaining xenomorphs charged me at the same time. I grabbed one by its tail and threw it at a non-expecting Mira. Meanwhile the other one was faster and actually tried to lay blows on me. It used his tail to keep me on the defensive the whole time. I saw on opening and punched his stomach sending him backwards a few feet.


I looked back and saw the door closing. I grabbed a metal pole and turned back around. Mira got back up because now there was 4 more xenomorphs with Genesis and Xana. The one I punched earlier got up and lunged itself at me.

"BOOM BITCH!" I said as I hit it in the head with the metal pole

I turned around and ran towards the now closing door and dove through right as it was making a diamond shape.

(So basically fast forward until 9 seconds)

A xenomorph tried to grab me but its arm got cut off by the door. I could hear it hiss in pain on the other side of the door.

"Come on we need to move quickly that won't hold them forever." I replied

I quickly led them to another hallway. We eventually found the other staircase and quickly walked to the 7th floor. We walked to one of the ships on stand by. Stephano went over to the nearby monitor to unlock the ship. After a few moments he said,

"I can't get it open! Its been locked from the main control!"

"Where's the main control?" I asked

"All the way up on the first floor on the bridge."

I thought for a few moments. I was the only one who could go up there and survive if I ran into anymore xenomorphs.

" I'll go up there to the main control and unlock the ship." I replied

"What?!" Ripley responded, "Your not going up there!"

"Your not my mom." I replied sarcastically

" I'm not changing my mind." She said

I sighed,

"Look I'm the only one who can survive the xenomorphs if they attack. All you need to do is wait here until I unlock the ship."

Ripley thought for a few minutes,

"Fine go."

I went to walk away when Call grabbed my arm. While everyone was talking among themselves she leaned in close to me.

"This ship is headed to Earth."

"What!?" I whispered yelled

"Yeah we ran into the general and that is what he said."

"Why did he send it there?!"

"He said when the ship has a problem or a containment issue the ship heads to Earth."

I growled,

"I'll go change the coordinates of the main ship, but I'm sending our get away to earth. Since that is sort of a safe place."

She looked at me with caring eyes,

"Heh Good luck."

Yandere Female Xenomorphs x Futa!Half Xenomorph! Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now