Chapter 8

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I was walking with Zemira,Luxia, and Victoria. Zemira was walking in front of us leading the way to the queen. Victoria had her tail tightly around my wrists like handcuffs, so I couldn't punch them and try to get away. Meanwhile Luxia had her tail around my waist. We were walking until I decided to annoy them.

'Are we there yet?' 


'Are we there yet?'


'Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we-'


'Okay I'll shut up'

We walked for a few more minutes until I started again,

'Are we there yet?'

They all stopped causing me to stop as well. Zemira turned around and grabbed my chin-hard.

'Shut up or I'll cut off your friend down there.'

'Heh if I'm correct then you need my friend down there, so I'll doubt you would do it.'

Zemira growled in anger before letting go of my chin. They quickly kept walking and I could see the walls around me beginning to change. Soon we came upon the staircase in which we walked all the way down back where I started. We walked through familiar surroundings as I recognized the xenomorph hallway. The bodies and glass was still littered on the ground. Suddenly Victoria and Luixa pulled me to the left into a room I didn't recognize. The room had multiple hallways connected to it, and there in the middle of the room was Diana. She was sitting in some kind of throne. It had a bunch of what look like tar keeping it together, while it had spikes coming out of the back. Oh you gotta be kidding me....

She saw me and smiled. She motioned to Victoria and Luixa to bring me to her. Once I was at the steps of her throne she stood up and walked towards me. Once she was in front of me Luxia and Victoria let go of me. Diana soon grabbed my chin between her hands,

'Its been far too long Y/N..'

'I'm pretty sure its only been a day and 5 hours.' 

She completely ignored my statement and began to softly stroke my cheeks with her thumbs.

'And we still haven't finished our little session~'

Oh dear thotslayer protect me ....

'And why would I continue that with a bitch like you?'

Diana's grip suddenly tightened on my chin almost breaking my jaw. I hissed in pain.

'I suggest you become my mate willingly Y/N.'

'Now why would I do that?' 

She chuckled before she motioned to Nova and Iris. They walked into one of the many hallways  and brought something with them. I soon recognized that it was a body. Once they were in the light I recognized the person as Ripley. Diana let go of my jaw and walked towards them.

'Lets make this simple for you Y/N-become ours or Ripley dies.'

I hissed at her in anger and went to walk over to her when Luxia and Mira forced me on my knees. They held my hands behind my back as I struggled to get out of our grip. Diana just chuckled and positioned her tail right over Ripley's heart.

'FINE!' I hissed, 'I-I'll be yours.'

Diana chuckled and Nova and Iris let go of Ripley. I looked over at Ripley and all she had was her signature smirk. I looked at her and she pointed to a smoke bomb that she had. I hid my smile as Luxia and Mira let go of me. As soon as they no longer had me, Ripley pulled the pin of her smoke bomb. She threw it at me and the girls. While the girls were trying to recover I ran over to Ripley and we started to run to the staircase. As Ripley ran I turned around and said,


I crossed my fingers in a cross shape. Oh shit it didn't work! I turned around and ran but not before hearing Mira ask something,

'What's a thot?'

I laughed and ran.


"What?" She screamed


"What are you talking about?"


We ran up the stairs before getting to floor 6. We closed the door and barricaded it so they couldn't get through.

"Quickly everyone is this way." Ripley said

I followed her down the hallway towards the labs. We soon met up with everyone and I got to meet a guy name Vriess, also they had met a marine called Stephano. He had an electronic wheelchair and I was surprised that he was still alive. Once we were all caught up we walked towards another staircase to go to floor 8, where we could use one of the spare ships and get out of here. As we were walking one of the labs caught Ripley's attention. She held up a fist and pointed towards the lab. I walked in with her and the sight horrified me. There were 7 kinds of Ripley's  in clear tubes. Some looked more like xenomorphs, others had extra limbs, and others were just messed up.

Meanwhile I saw an extra room to the left I walked into the room only to be met with another horrid sight. This time instead of Ripley's there were 5 other me's. They all looked like me but had the same scar mark right across my chest where my heart was. I walked up to one of the tubes and touched it. Suddenly I had a flashback,

Father? I asked

The man turned around. It was kinda funny he looked just like General Perez. Oh my father is General Perez

"Y/N I'm sorry I have to do this."

"Why?! All you do is experiment on me! Use me! Like I'm some kind of gunie pig!"



"Fine it seems like this version of you didn't work either. I guess I will make another one, but this time erase your memories."

He walked towards me with a knife.


He grabbed me by my ankle and brought me close to him.

"I'm sorry Y/N."

He raised his knife and brought it down onto my chest. The last thing I saw was my blood splattered across his face.

I came back to the world as Ripley shook my shoulder. I just put my forehead against the glass.

"What did you do father?" I muttered 

Yandere Female Xenomorphs x Futa!Half Xenomorph! Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now