Chapter 5

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Your POV

I woke up with a horrible headache. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in the medical bay. I went to sit up, but a hand on my chest stopped me. I followed the arm back to find its owner-Victoria. She made me lay back down. I soon noticed we were the only ones in the medical bay.

"Hey Y/N."

"Heh, Hey." I responded weakily

She smiled at my response. 

"What happened?" I asked

"You passed out from the pain the serum was giving you."

"Oh-wait how did the xenomorphs react to me being passed out?" I asked

"Well the Queen started hissing like crazy when she saw you and the others....tried breaking out of their containment cells."

"Man they must really want to kill you guys right now." I sighed

"You are probably correct." Victoria stated

We sat there in silence for a few moments until I spoke up.

"Hey Victoria?"

"Hmm?" She hummed in response

"How come I'm not seeing in infrared?"

"Oh! The infrared is activated by tapping your right temple."

I lifted my right arm and tapped my temple. Sure enough I had infrared vision.

"Man I feel like cyclops from the X-men!"

Victoria giggled,

"Cyclops had heat vision not infrared vision."

I tapped my temple again and the infrared deactivated.

"Man, what a party pooper." I pouted

She giggled and kissed my cheek,

"Stop pouting cutie."

"Y-Yes ma'am" I replied blushing

She giggled once again and helped me off the bed. I went to stand but my knees were like jelly so I almost fell. But before I could hit the ground Victoria helped support me.

"You know for a scientist your pretty strong." I remarked

"You and Ripley aren't the only ones that work out." She stated

She walked with me until we reached a hallway. She unlocked it to reveal the xenomorph hall.


She giggled and guided me through the door.

"Basically this floor is built around this hallway." Victoria remarked

"Well if they get out we're screwed down here." I replied

"Don't worry that won't happen."

I suddenly heard hissing to my left and I turned my head to see Aurora. 

'What happened? Wait what happened to your eyes?!' She hissed

'Okay rude, and secondly its none of your business.' I hissed back

'Well its the queen's business.' She hissed sarcastically

'Man you guys really are her bitches' I hissed


'Bye bye' I hissed as we walked through the doorway heading to my cell

Victoria opened my cell door and Ripley jumped up. Ripley came over to the door and took me from Victoria's support. Soon the door closed and Ripley helped me sit down. 

Yandere Female Xenomorphs x Futa!Half Xenomorph! Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now