I've grown a bit of facial hair since my last update. Also this guy said he was gonna help me out funding wise but that seems too good to be true. I don't believe it for a second.
Also, my creative writing teacher who has known me for Benjamin for the whole semester and hasn't slipped, slipped up and called me by my dead name twice in the time span of five minutes.
I feel like everyone just stares at me in the hallways and shit. I mean, I'm really the only trans guy at my school thats out to everyone.
Man, sometimes I feel like a girl playing dress up but now that I think about it, i dont think of myself as a girl anymore and it freaks me out a little. It only freaks me out because its like wow I only thought of myself as a girl when I was like five.
My binder is getting a little tight on me, tighter than it should be because my chest is getting bigger unfortunately. I feel like if I fall or twist the wrong way then my ribs will break. Thats what I'm scared of, my ribs breaking. I've fallen asleep with it on many times, which is not healthy and don't do that, but I'll be paranoid about twisting my body or laughing too hard.
My Transman Journal (FTM)
General FictionThis is just a journal of my trans journey. 💙