Do you ever just imagine yourself in ten years? Because I do.
I imagine some buff, hyped-up on testosterone guy with a flat chest and a cat.
Do you ever imagine yourself in an outfit only to get the outfit you imagined but you don't look the way you imagined you would in it?
Me too.
Do you ever plan out the next five years only to change it the next month?
I have changed the career path I wanted to take several times over the past four years of my life.
Freshman year I wanted to be a motivational speaker. Then I wanted to be a clinical psychiatrist. After that, I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon. Its my senior year and I finally realized what I wanted to do with my life after high school. A hair stylist.
I wanted to be a motivational speaker because I wanted to help people and push them to live life.
I wanted to be a psychiatrist because I wanted to help people.
I wanted to be a orthopedic surgeon because I wanted to help people. All I want to do is help people.I want to be a hair stylist to help people. How do you feel after getting your hair cut or colored? You feel great, don't you? Well, usually you do unless someone fucked up.
When I cut majority of my hair off the first time and donated it, I felt fan-motherfucking-tastic. That's why I'm growing out my hair (only the top) so I can donate it again. Anyways, when I dyed it the first time I felt new. I felt as weird externally as I did internally.
I want to help people change. I want to help them present themselves as who they are.You'll change a lot of things in your life. Your hair, your room, your style, your pronouns, your body. Its YOUR life, you own that shit. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Be happy. Do shit that makes you happy.
My Transman Journal (FTM)
Aktuelle LiteraturThis is just a journal of my trans journey. 💙